Today, appeared Jesus, Our Lady and Saint Joseph. Jesus was on a luminous cross. Our Lady was on His right and Saint Joseph on His left. It was the Blessed Mother who gave us the first message:
"Peace My beloved children, peace! My children, I, your Mother, come from Heaven to give you strength and protection, I come from Heaven to bless you and grant you peace. Do not despair! Fear nothing! God is greater than everything and everyone and He will always triumph over all evil. A diabolic plan is in full action, so that many of My sons and daughters would suffer and be trapped in Satan's snares and he, the father of lies, acts to discredit the Holy Church, to reduce it to silence, due to the lack of faith which has reached the extreme, due to the sins of the many Ministers of My Son who have become whitewashed graves, who take many souls to the abyss of perdition, because they are no longer anointed men, of faith, of prayer, nor of a holy life. Satan mocks many of them because he thinks he is victorious because of his evil agents who have achieved their first objective, to show many in the world that he is the one who is in charge of everyone as he wishes. Do not allow yourselves to be defeated by his errors and falsehoods. Pray the Rosary with many Magnificat and God will cause his evil plans to fail and evil and lies will fall to the ground. If you do not pray and do not do penance, their lies will bring suffering and pain to all humanity in a more intense way, because violence and shedding of blood will come very soon, because of proud and greedy men, to have and to possess. Ask for forgiveness of your sins, bend your knees to the ground and plead for the Mercy of God for the whole world. Remember, My children: what men invent is all imperfect. Only what God creates is perfect. All that man creates will end and will not last forever. Nothing will remain hidden. Saint Joseph will do great wonders for the Holy Church and for the whole world at the request of My Son Jesus. He will give a great sign of His love, in favor of the Lord's people, the small remnant, faithful to His Divine Words and His Holy Laws." At that moment, Jesus looking seriously at everyone said these words to me: "I will allow the Church and the people of the Amazon to be cleansed of their sins, due to their ungratefulness, lack of faith and contempt for My Immaculate Mother, Who has come for many years, at My request, to call them to prayer and conversion. Until they make reparations for their terrible errors, the Church and the people will suffer. Pray! Pray! Pray and repent of your sins, O people of hardened and unbelieving hearts! I will ask much of the Prelature of Itacoatiara, for every blasphemous word spoken against My Immaculate Mother, the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace. At that moment, God made me hear something: I heard, at the same time, different voices speaking, laughing, blaspheming, joking and saying deriding words against Our Lady and Her apparitions in Itapiranga, acting against the plans of God. Jesus allowed me to understand and hear that, one day, He will make each one of these people remember every word and offense that have come from their lips and they will cry. Bend your knees to the ground, because only She will be able to help you and plead before My Holy Throne. I will ensure that everyone will see, passing before their eyes, their own errors for not having obeyed Her and for allowing themselves to be overcome by Satan's lies and errors. Our Lady pleaded for all of us, for the Holy Church and for the people, so that Jesus would not punish us as we deserve. Saint Joseph, together with the Holy Virgin, also pleaded for us. As the two of them were pleading for the Church and the world, Jesus blessed us. Our Lady, spoke again: My son, tell everyone to trust always and consecrate themselves every day to Our Three Sacred Hearts, Ask for graces, do not stop asking for them and your prayers will soon be heard, God will grant them and He will also have mercy on you. Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" Consecration to The Three Sacred Hearts Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary and Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph. I consecrate to you this day (this afternoon or this night): my mind (+on the forehead), my words (+on lips), my body (+on the chest), my heart (+below the left shoulder) and my soul (+below the right shoulder) so that your will be done through me this day. Amen! This consecration is done three times a day: in the morning, afternoon and night. It is important to make the sign of the cross at the same time the words are said! (Our Lady to Edson Glauber on December 29, 1996 - Feast of the Holy Family) From Edson Glauber: The Psychological Repercussion of Isolation of Contacts: …….Who is the person that dies? The elderly and those who have serious health issues. They suffer from psychological depression, from isolation which becomes fatal for them. They are left alone, abandoned, considered the worse of the people, dirty, unpleasant and contagious beings. No one can visit them; therefore, the domino effect is created. Because of their death, the others, those of a young age or those of middle age, already in shock by the news and the verified deaths, despair, by allowing themselves to be overcame by a psychological depression and fear. They also begin to languish and produce the effects that the agents of satan wanted. Whoever is in good health and is isolated from the routine life or suffers from a very strong psychological setback is affected in the body and in health and, as a result, can cause death. Physicians are unable to cure people, because they need to be helped as much in the body as in the mind, because it (the virus) not only attacks and weakens the body but also the mind and the brain. It creates all health problems for the person. What has Our Lady taught us in the consecration to the Three Sacred Hearts? What is the first thing we consecrate to them: my mind: where satan attacks primarily, afterwards, attacks the eyes, because, from what we see, from the information that we take in, we can either suffer or be happy. My lips: where enters what we eat, or through the nose and ears (what does an Otolaryngologist do?). Then: my body: the lungs, liver and other vital organs, the heart and then the soul. Everything starts in the mind! Until all the rest is destroyed! Do not be scared! (Matthew 24:6) The Communist army says: if you want to win over your enemy and overcome him, create a great danger for him, isolate and deprive him of what he had before and in a short time he will undergo an emotional and psychological shock that can damage his health, believing what he has been told as if it was true. It is like a diabolic possession or obsession. The devil takes the person, attacked by desperation, to believe that God does not love him and that his sins cannot be forgiven, that he has been forgotten and abandoned by Heaven. In this way, every hope and trust in God is destroyed and he allows himself to be overcome by his attacker. Lord, free us from the snares and lies of satan and from his wicked agents. Protected us and our families! THAT ALL EVIL AND LIES FALL DOWN! "Then the God of peace will quickly crush satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.” (Rom.16:20)
Queen of the Rosary and of Peace, Mother of God and Queen of Victories, crush the head of the infernal serpent with force, crush the pride of satan who wanted to attack the Holy Church in China and now in many places of the world, afflicting and striking your sons and daughters with diseases, pain and death, by removing the Eucharistic Sacrifice, the True Life, healing and deliverance for all of them. May the God of peace grant us also the grace to crush satan under our feet, for we are your sons and daughters who receive, live and listen to your holy Motherly messages of conversion and holiness. May Saint Michael the Archangel hurl satan into infernal abyss and all the demons who cause diseases of coronavirus and other spiritual and bodily plagues through his agents, atheistic communism and his satanic agents, from pride, disobedience and the ungratefulness of many people toward the Divine Majesty, as a result of a life without God and of sin, deadly poison which destroys souls and makes us merit the fire of hell. Blessed and Immaculate Mother, pray for us and obtain from the Lord the forgiveness of our sins, true sorrow and perfect contrition for having offended and blasphemed You, and removing the victory over all spiritual and bodily evils. We will never stop invoking you and asking for your protection, O Queen of the Rosary and of Peace, O Queen of all Victories. Amen! Today, Saint Joseph appeared with the Child Jesus in His arms. He gave us the following message:
"Peace to your heart! My son, I come from Heaven to bless you and all humanity. Jesus asks everyone to take refuge in My Most Chaste Heart and receive from Him all the graces that His Divine Heart wishes to grant to those who plead for My intercession before His Throne. The world is being cleansed from its sins, because it does not pray, nor repent of its errors and crimes and does not ask for God's forgiveness with a contrite heart. When will the world learn to be obedient to God? Return to the Lord, ungrateful and rebellious humanity, because great pains and sufferings will increase more in the world, because the Lord no longer can stand so many sins; there are so many adulteries, abortions, crimes and assaults against innocence, with the destruction of purity and sanctity of many souls. The Heart of My Divine Son bleeds because of the terrible infidelities and sins of the Ministers of God, who no longer live the True Faith, but preach errors to souls, teaching other things, but not the Holy Words and teachings of the Lord. Inside My Son's Church reigns spiritual decay, because the devil has entered it in disguise and, in a subtle way, he desires to destroy the Sacred and devour all souls with great fury. Pray, My son, pray because stronger and more horrific trials will come to the world and blessed will be all those who do not deny their faith and do not betray the Truths taught by My Son Jesus, remaining faithful and firm until the end. May all ask for My protection. Desire to be under My Holy Cloak and I will lead you all to Jesus and place you in His Divine Heart. I give My blessing and protection to all the devoted children who honor My Most Chaste Heart and who, every day, consecrate themselves to Me. I am granting to all of them many graces from Heaven at the request of My Divine Son. I bless you and all humanity: In the name of the Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!" During the apparition, Saint Joseph, at the request of the Child God, traced the sign of the cross three times over the countries and regions of the world. When tracing the sign of the cross over the world, rays of light were falling upon them and illuminated them. I recalled what Jesus said to me in the past, at the beginning of the apparitions: "Saint Joseph, at His request, will save the Church and the world from a great catastrophe!" We believe in Saint Joseph's intercessory power before the Throne of Jesus. Let us ask for the blessings and graces of Heaven, praying daily the Chaplet of His Seven Sorrows and Joys, as well as asking for His protection, placing ourselves under His Holy Cloak, with the prayers that we pray in His honor. May the time 9 pm of each night, time of St. Joseph, be practiced and lived in our homes, as Jesus has asked us, so that we can obtain great graces for ourselves, for the Holy Church and for the world. We can pray the Chaplet of Saint Joseph or meditate on His Seven Sorrows and Joys with 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Joseph and 1 Glory be, or pray His Holy Cloak, or the prayers and consecrations that Jesus and Our Lady taught us in honor of St. Joseph and His Most Chaste Heart. The important thing is to pray and take the first step, to persevere on this path of prayer and faith. "Lord, Almighty Father, may the Precious Blood of Your Divine Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, wash and purify me, at this moment, from all sins, may it be for me and my loved ones a powerful sign of salvation and Divine protection, as well as for all those for whom I claim your grace that heals, liberates and renews everything. May the Precious Blood of Jesus destroy all evil on the face of the earth, for the good and the salvation of Your sons and daughters, slaves and easy prey of Satan.
Lord, that the enemy of our eternal salvation and his agents have no power over us, that they do not see and do not hear us, that they be silenced and unable to act against us or against any one of Your sons and daughters for whom we intercede and place at the feet of the saving Cross of Jesus, Your most dearly and beloved Son. We seek refuge in your Divine Will and we place ourselves within it, so that we may be hidden from satan, from all the demons of hell and his evil agents and disappear before them, just as Your Divine Son hid Himself and passed through those who wanted do Him harm, when He did Your Divine Will on earth. May your powerful arm be extended over our lives and our families, as a sign of blessing and protection, because You, Lord, are our rock of defense, our safe refuge, our salvation. Amen!" "Peace, My beloved children, peace!
My children, I, your Mother, call you to God. Listen to My Motherly call that I make to you. Listen to My call to conversion. I have already told you and I say it again: times are bad. Men have turned away from the Lord, the God of Heaven and earth, they are walking into the abyss of their eternal perdition and destruction. Pray for the conversion of humanity attacked by Satan, that has become blind, deaf and mute to the Lord, but sees, listens and speaks about the works of Satan's darkness, favoring and publicizing them for the ruin and perdition of many souls. My children, we are fighting a great battle, I and all of you who listen to Me and receive My messages into your hearts, a terrible battle against satan and the demons of hell. There are many of his agents and followers in this world. Many of My children, rebellious and ungrateful, have allowed themselves to be corrupted by their seductions, wanting to be like God, just as Adam and Eve allowed themselves be defeated by the infernal serpent, falling into sin, disobeying the Lord's commands, leaving aside His Divine Will, so that it was no longer realized in their lives, because they desired to live far from God, with their own human will, seduced by the eternal enemy of souls. Fight, dear children, against all pride and arrogance towards God. Do not allow yourselves to be defeated by the enemy. Win him with prayer, the Eucharist, the Word of God and the Truth. Satan wants to destroy your lives and your families. He wants to take away from you your freedom as sons and daughters of God. The day will come when you will have to decide whether you want to have a cellular phone or be free people, whether you want to have a television and a computer in your homes or the peace of your families, if you want to have health or a false life, living as people enslaved by the wicked or being the ones who carry His cross, following the painful steps of My Son, but this leads you to eternal life. Which path and which life will you choose, My children? Choose, then, eternal life. Eternal life is My Son and living together with My Son you will have all that you need for yourselves and your families. Without My Son you will have nothing, you will not have True Life, but you will be enslaved because of your sins, greed and worldly desires, wanting to go in search of what is false, of what does not give you true happiness or life. Pray! Pray! Pray much, to have the strength to renounce sin and the world, in order to have a full and abundant life. Every act of love for your neighbor will never be forgotten by My Son Jesus. The more you live in the love of My Son, the more you will have the light and grace to serve and love your brothers and sisters in His Holy and Mighty Name. Take care of your families. Pray together with your families. Do not miss the opportunity that God gives you to live the love and holiness united to Him. Families are precious to God. Blessed are all those who fight for the good and the preservation of families, for their moral and spiritual values; but woe to those who act as to destroy families. Those who do not repent will be struck by the strong arm of the Lord, who will eliminate them from the face of the earth on the day of the chastisement and there will be no trace of them, because they did not want to convert or repent of their crimes and sins. My children, fight with prayer and win the most difficult battles that will arise even more, but remember: In the end, My Immaculate Heart will triumph! Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" In this apparition I understood that the time will come when all means of communication of today are used for evil purposes and we, many of us, if do not put aside all these things, one day we will become slaves of all those who act in the name of satan and our freedom will be destroyed. We will no longer have any more freedom to do anything, because cellular phones, television and computers will be our enemy inside our homes, that are part of our lives and that will always be with us. The Blessed Mother says that the wicked men are preparing great persecutions against humanity, because they want us to become their slaves and submit ourselves under their power. Our lady says that it is an evil plan of the devil to persecute everyone, not only Christians, but everyone, because the devil wants to destroy everyone, wants to destroy us and our families and we have to be careful. They will offer us a fault health and a fault life that are not true and many, for fear of dying, will accept it and be enslaved, having this fault health and fault life, leaving aside the True Life that is Jesus Christ. It will come to this; and many, out of fear and desperation, will deny Jesus, the Truth of Life and the things of the Church because they do not want to suffer. "Peace, My beloved children, peace!
My children, I, your Mother, come from Heaven to ask you to decide to live in union with God, through a life of conversion, holiness and penance. Do penance for the conversion of sinners. Open your hearts to God, so that you can merit His Divine Love. The love of God, My children, is pure and holy. This love is stronger than death, it is stronger than all evil. Pray! Pray! Pray to be of God. Prayer changes everything and makes you merit the blessings and graces of Heaven. Take My Motherly words into your hearts and God will grant you the grace of conversion of your families and all humanity. Sons and daughters, be of faith and prayer and everything will change in your lives. Thank you for your presence. I am here before you to help you in everything. Pray! Pray! Pray! Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!" Today appeared the Holy Family and the Child Jesus in the arms of Saint Joseph who was looking at us with mercy. During the apparition I felt a desire to touch His beautiful feet and His clothes, to ask Him for His blessing and protection, not only for us there present, but for all the people of the world, especially for those most afflicted and suffering. The Child Jesus smiled at us and blessed us. Our Lady was looking at us with Her beautiful eyes full of love. St. Joseph gave me a private message on this day, and we spoke a lot regarding the future of the world and of the Church.
"Peace My beloved children, peace!
My children, I, your Mother, love you and I come from Heaven to give you My Motherly blessing and protection. Do not worry and do not lose faith. Trust in the Lord's protection and His Divine help. Pray that the Truth will triumph over all evil and lies. God will bring down all corrupt and evil men who act in secret to destroy the lives of thousands of My children. All of this because of money, power and personal self-interest, because their souls are possessed by the darkness of satan. God is greater than everything and everyone and He will always triumph over all evil. I have been asking you for a long time to convert and change the direction of your lives, but I am not heard nor received in the hearts of many of My children, because they are blinded by sin, with their hearts attached to the world and to their concerns. Remember, My children: everything passes in this life and nothing is eternal. Fight for Heaven, fight for eternal life with My Son. Pray to understand My Motherly words. You are living the times of trials, before the secrets will occur in the world. Pray for Bishops and Priests who no longer have the light of the Lord in their lives and who do not know how to be an example of the faith and trust in God for the faithful in these times, because sin and the world have destroyed everything good and Divine grace in their souls, for this reason many faithful suffer and feel alone and abandoned by their Shepherds. Pray for them not to be overcome or overwhelmed by the lies and errors of satan, because many allow themselves to be dragged by his deadly tail, ruining the sanctity and purity of their souls with his evil and poisonous seductions. Satan acts and the Ministers of God have fallen to the ground without strength, slaughtered by sins. Wolves devour sheep, destroying faith, hope and love in them, and the Shepherds flee in fear, because they no longer believe in the great gift received from God, with the power of their Priesthood. If they truly believed, no evil would affect them nor destroy their priestly vocations and a mission so sublime and holy. Pray for the Ministers of God, My children, that they will always believe more, otherwise the great, painful and sad day will come, in which the Eucharist will be taken from you forever, in many places, because the world has stopped to worship and believe in God. Pray! Pray! Pray! Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" When the Blessed Mother told me that the Eucharist would be withdrawn forever in many places, I understood that satan's followers are trying to do everything so that the Ministers of God be persecuted, physically, spiritually, morally destroyed, and to die in the faith, so that the faithful would be left without the Mass and the Eucharist, becoming weak and dejected, no longer believing in anything, exchanging the Eucharist for a fake imitation or will prohibit many the access to the Eucharist. If we do not pray, they will achieve this intent in many places, but not in all places. Let us pray so that all these sad and terrible days will not reach many places in the world and that the devil will not succeed in his evil intents and not be actualized. "Peace My beloved children, peace!
My children, I, your Mother, invite you to pray, pray, pray. This is the time to change your lives, to decide for God, repenting sincerely of your sins. My children, God speaks to you, but many of you refuse to listen and obey Him, that is why satan gains more space in the world and manages to overcome you through pain, suffering and lack of faith. I have already been communicating My messages to you for a long time now, that I came from Heaven to call you to God, but many do not listen to Me with an open heart and My words fall into the void of many cold and loveless hearts. Return to the Lord, open your hearts to Him. Allow My messages to change your lives and those of your families, living holiness, following in the footsteps of My Son Jesus. God is giving you the opportunity to change the course of your lives, before the terrible sufferings come to the world that will scourge it and transform it forever. I love you and as your Mother, I am concerned about your happiness and eternal salvation. Pray, pray, My children and God will send His Angels from Heaven to help and protect you from all the evils and dangers created by the wicked men who want to eliminate the lives of thousands of people, because of their hearts possessed by satan, want to cause you pain and suffering. I, your Mother, cover you and your families with My Immaculate Mantle, and I give you My Motherly blessing. Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" "Peace My beloved children, peace!
My children, I your Mother, ask you: decide for the kingdom of Heaven. Do not waste your time with the world, because in the world you will only find sin, death and suffering, because the world has forgotten God. Satan has managed to ruin a very large number of souls with sin. Many of My children are blind and deaf to God. Do not allow souls to be lost in sin. Offer prayers and numerous reparations and sacrifices to convert and save sinners. My children, listen to Me! Listen to Me! Listen to Me! Do not close your hearts to the cry of my voice. Don’t you want to listen to Me when sufferings are about to befall you and your families? Listen to me now, while you can, while there is still time for conversion. There are many hardened hearts in the world. Ask the Holy Spirit that His Divine grace softens these difficult and ungrateful hearts and great graces will be granted the good and salvation of souls. Pray My Rosary every day. The Rosary makes you receive great and numerous graces from the Lord. With the Rosary, you will defeat satan, freeing your families and the world from all evils. Pray! Pray! Pray! Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen!" |
Some of these messages just reflect an excerpt of the original message. The complete messages will be added as the translations are made. |