"Peace to your heart!
My son, many still continue with their hearts hardened and closed, despite the Lord's strong call to conversion and repentance. The hardened hearts cannot merit the Kingdom of Heaven. Hearts putrefied in sin are more dangerous than a deadly virus, because they kill the soul. Repent! Repent, O humanity! Open your heart to the Lord, the God of Heaven and earth, before His wrath falls on you in a way never seen before, shaking the foundations of the earth. Listen to the Lord's voice. Don't be deaf to His calling! I bless you!" "Peace to your heart!
My son, pray much and let everyone pray, because prayer can change everything in the world. A heart full of faith and trust in God obtains everything from His Divine Love. Pray for the Shepherd, the Great Shepherd. Soon, God will accept His final sacrifice for the good of the Holy Church and the sheep. As My Son Jesus has told you: The Good Shepherd is the one who gives His life for the sheep. Three Saints are interceding before the Throne of My Son, supporting the Shepherd in His sacrifice: St. Gemma Galgani, St. Catherina of Siena and St. Veronica Giuliani. These three Saints have, before the Lord, by divine order, at my requests and that of Saint Joseph, an important role in these difficult and painful times. That everyone asks for their intercession and God will soon give humanity another chance and your tears of sorrow, My children, will be changed into tears of joy. Pray and trust! I bless you!" When Our Lady said the part of the message: The Good Shepherd is the one who gives His life for the sheep, I heard the words “the true shepherd” being said at the same time. I also understood that the three Saints She mentioned in the message, three Italian Saints, intercede for the Holy Mother Church, which is found in Italy and elsewhere in the world. These Saints are a model for each one of us, because they knew how to meditate and honor the passion of Jesus to the point of suffering it in their lives, receiving in their bodies, united to the love of Jesus, the stigmata of the passion, to help the Lord to atone for the sins committed inside the Holy Church and in the world, and today, they are at the side of the Great Shepherd, who offered Himself to God for the salvation of the Holy Church and humanity to crush this deadly virus, helping Him in His final sacrifice, as victim of atonement that was accepted by God. All of us, united with Him, let us offer our prayers, sacrifices and penances, offering to the Eternal Father the merits of the Immaculate Lamb in expiation for our sins and the sins of the entire world, because, in the current situation we are in, remains for us only the Word of God in our hearts, the Cross and the Rosary in our hands as means of offering reparations for the sins of the world and to plead from the Heart of Jesus forgiveness and mercy for all. "Peace to your heart!
My son, if I find in the world Ministers Consecrated to Me with faith the size of this virus, I would immediately cease the suffering of humanity and save it from death. But I don't find Ministers like this. They have accredited many other wrong things and have come to teach to many faithful that these things were of the will and God, that everything was conformed to My Holy Spirit, but in reality, they were wounding My Sacred Heart with their offenses and lack of faith. They left My Divinity aside, disrespected it, comparing it with strange gods, as if I were one with these false deities coming from the infernal spirit. I am three times Holy; I am the only Lord of Heaven and earth. Death reigns in the world, because many have already been spiritually dead for many years, without wanting to seek My forgiveness and repent of their sins. If the soul is dead and destroyed in sin, the body also suffers and dies. Many have been this way before me, for a long time, without wanting to amend their lives and repairing their sins. Who has listened to My Holy Mother’s request to pray always more? Who has listened to Her Motherly words to leave a life of adultery, impurities and infidelities? Who has corrected themselves and asked for forgiveness for the sins of abortions, for the profanities and sacrileges committed against My Precious Body and Blood in the Eucharist? Who has sought to sincerely correct themselves for their sins, with a sincere repentance and a perfect contrition in the Sacrament of Confession? How many false conversions to My Love, I see every day, continuously, without the purpose of amendment and a change of life? They have treated My love and My Mercy as trash, as something to dispose, only for their own interests and whims. O My son, how I have suffered and I still suffer now, because men have not yet learned the just correction. As I told you once and I repeat it again: God's justice is holy and is through it that I repair all sins and all things, purifying the world of all of them. It is with My justice that I correct the rebellious and disobedient hearts. I have sent My Holy Mother to the Amazon for many years. She, with great love, with Her Immaculate Heart full of My graces, has come to earth to transmit the messages communicated by My Divine Will, but many did not want to welcome Her or listen to Her, in fact, they have despised Her graces and such great love for their souls; many have become deaf to Her voice. She would speak with great love and patience, She has spoken again, to guide all of humanity, but many have refused to listen to Her. My Heart suffers in saying these words to you, My son, but My Mother is My Mother and I demand respect for Her, Who has come from Heaven, thousands of times, for the good and salvation of humanity. Now, at this time of pain and afflictions, how many cry out to Me, how many ask Me for this evil to stop soon, how many, with tears in their eyes and kneeling, cry, lament, prostrate themselves on the ground! I would like to remind everyone that My Mother has called you to Me, that My Mother has wept tears of blood every day, before My Holy Throne, that My Mother has prostrated Herself before My Divine Majesty to plead for forgiveness and mercy for ungrateful sinners and many did not want to listen nor abandon their evil path." I said to the Lord: Lord, if so, who can be saved? Have mercy on us poor sinners, give everyone, once again, the opportunity for a sincere forgiveness and conversion. Take away the just sentence for a time and men will change and be converted! What must we do to overcome this terrible evil? "Faith, faith in Me and in My power that heals and saves everything. Death found no victory over Me. Who is united to Me, to My love and My Heart will not die, but will have life in abundance. The one who believes, without ever doubting, will be saved. If I told you that faith removes mountains, how much more would remove a small virus among you? Whoever believes in My love will not be abandoned to death, but will have life, My light and My peace. Live in My presence, live in My grace and satan will never be able to hurt you, because My love is more powerful than death. Teach souls not to lose faith nor hope. Take My light to all of them. Remember, My son, everything will pass, but My love and My words will never pass. Behold, I am with you all, every day, until the end of the world. I give you a blessing and a Divine anointing to bring faith and hope to My afflicted and wounded people who suffer. He who believes in My words and My promises will not die, but will live in Me and for Me. I will be with all those who follow in My footsteps and who live in unity with My love. I bless you: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" Today the Lord gave me this reading so that the whole Holy Church and humanity can meditate on:
Joshua, a Leader obedient to God. Joshua 7 Prayer of Command for Healing and Liberation of the Family
(Taught by Jesus to Edson Glauber, Manaus-AM) (Original Prayer) I now cry out Lord, in Your Divine Will, that my will be one with Yours, that my lips be united with Yours, that my heart be grounded in Your Divine Heart, that we be one soul and one heart in Your love, that all my actions be united with Yours, that all my steps join Your footsteps, that every beat of my heart be one with the beat of Your Divine Heart, that my blood flows in Your Divine and Most Precious Blood, that my mind enters Your mind and thinks together with You, that I act united and perfectly with Yours, so that all I say, think and act may be according to your Holy and Divine Will, that created all beings and the whole the universe, and nothing is more powerful than it (your Divine Will), in which everything and all things are submissive to your Creative, Redeeming, Sanctifying and Divine power. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of the Universe Heaven and earth proclaim your glory! Hosanna in the highest, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest! In the Divine Will of God, in the name of Jesus I command that all identified unclean and satanic spirits receive divine judgment for having attacked my family. I now command all of you, evil spirits to leave my family definitively in the Name of Jesus, by His Most Precious Blood, by His Holy Wounds, by the intercession of the Immaculate Conception and of the Glorious Saint Joseph, Protector of the Holy Church and of our families, of the Archangels Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, St. Raphael and all the saints of Heaven. In the Divine Will, through the power of the Most Holy Name of Jesus and his Precious Blood, leave my family forever you demons of curses inherited in our genealogical tree! In the Divine Will, by the power of the Most Holy Name of Jesus and His Most Precious Blood, I rebuke you demons of pestilence and infectious diseases and cast you forever definitively into the abysses of hell in the name of Jesus. All of you infernal legions, I tie you up and command you to free my family and all the families of the whole world, in the name of Jesus. All of you demons behind satanic sects, of masonic and secret societies, that in the Divine Will be imprisoned, humiliated and vanquished at the foot of the Saving Cross of Jesus and be cast immediately and definitively into the abyss in the name and by the power of the Holy Wounds of Jesus, of His Most Precious Blood, through the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, Protector of the Holy Church and our families. All of you demons of sorcery, satanic omens, enchantments, macumbas, prayers done in the dark (evil prayers) over our names and our photos, witchcraft of death made in food, with hair, nails, our intimate apparel or on pieces of our clothes, curses and plagues launched against us; all that was done, spoken and written against me and my family, in the Divine Will of God, in the Name of Jesus and by the power and merits of His Most Sorrowful Passion, I command you to leave us definitively and liberate us now and be tied and bound, with all your evils to the cross of Jesus, so that Jesus dispose of you as He wishes. All of you demons of aggression, insanity, schizophrenia and all demons associated with psychic and mental illnesses, in the Divine Will of God, in the Name of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, before which all Heaven, all earth and even hell obey and kneel, by the Holy and Glorious Wounds of the Immaculate Lamb and His Most Precious Blood, I command you to definitively release my entire family, for the glory of the Eternal Father, of His Divine Son and the Holy Spirit. In the Divine Will, I now command all of you demons of mental and psychic control to immediately and definitively liberate my whole family, our minds, attitudes of character and personality, physical and psychic, leave us immediately and liberate us in the womb, in soul and spirit. Set us free in the Name of Jesus. In the Divine Will of God, I now apply the Most Precious Blood of Jesus with all its power, to torment all of you demons from hell with the gain of many souls for the Kingdom of Heaven, for the Glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and that His Divine Kingdom triumph in souls and His Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven! In the Divine Will, leave now and definitively liberate us all you evil spirits of the New Age, freemasonry, witchcraft, sympathies, macumba, esoterism, diabolic sects, occultism, leave now and definitively our lives and our families in the Name of Jesus. In the Divine Will I definitively cancel all pacts, covenants, oaths, vows made in our names, plagues (curses) against me and my family members, in the Name of Jesus! Lord, Eternal and Almighty Father, I ask you to restore my family. Heal and liberate us by the Blood of Jesus and that, the glory, peace, joy and virtues that have been stolen from us, be restored to us right now in the name of Your Most Beloved Son Our Lord Jesus Christ and for the infinite merits of His Most Sorrowful Passion and Death on the cross. Lord, in Your Divine Will, I thank You for Your healing and liberating power over my life and my family. To You all honor and glory be given forever and ever. Holy Spirit, anoint my family which I now consecrate to You and grant it definitive healing and deliverance forever, destroying all evil, restoring every part of their beings, where they need to receive support and be restored, liberating them completely, in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Precious Blood we ask you. Amen! To you, Our Lady Apericida, that Your Crown as Queen shine over me, my family and on all those affected by this deadly plague. Obtain for us the cure for our body and our soul.
In the morning, I saw in the sky of Manaus St. Joseph with the Child Jesus in His arms. While I was looking at St. Joseph, I understood these words in my heart:
"I am with you, do not fear anything!" Then I saw another scene: The Blessed Mother who had in Her hands the monstrance with the Eucharistic Jesus, She blessed the entire world with it. Afterwards, all vanished. Prayer Lord, that I never lose my faith in the times of terrible trials that have come to the world! Kiss the floor, before the altar of your home, three times in honor of God the Father. Lord, that I never lose my faith in the times of terrible trials that have come to the world! Kiss the floor, before the altar of your home, three times in honor of God the Son. Lord, that I never lose my faith in the times of terrible trials that have come to the world! Kiss the floor, before the altar of your home, three times in honor of God the Holy Spirit. (Taught by the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace to Edson Glauber) Today, Jesus came, beautiful and majestic and He said to me:
"Peace to your heart! My son, I wanted to have mercy on humanity, but it caused Me to use My justice, due to its terrible sins and deafness." Lord, why so much suffering, lives that end so terribly, burned and not buried? "They were deaf to My Mother. They did not want to obey My Mother, who has been calling them to conversion as of a long time ago. They did not obey Her!" Jesus looked at me and became serious, saying these words: "My Mother did not come from Heaven for fun!" Jesus vanished, giving His blessing to me and My family! "I bless you!" I also understood that among these people, many are martyrs before His Holy Throne, because they gave their lives for the sake of His name, suffering because of wicked men who created all this to destroy the lives of thousands of people. "Peace to your heart, My beloved son!
Here I am, the Protector of the Holy Church and of all families. Fear nothing, poor afflicted children. Entrust yourselves to the Divine Will of God, surrender yourselves into His hands. God is sweeping away the wickedness and filth from many places, making so, that many who were blind and deaf to His calling, will bend their knees to the ground and ask for forgiveness of their sins. God is acting, overthrowing the mighty from their thrones, He is separating the chaff from the wheat, He is separating the remnant, so that the world be restored and decides to respect His Laws and Holy Teachings, so that they recognize and respect His Divine Majesty, so offended in many parts of the world, to silence and stop the actions of the wicked against and within His Holy Church. A terrible evil has been thrown into the world by human hands. God has allowed this in order to correct the blind, the deaf and the proud who did not want to listen to the appeals of My Most Holy Spouse. For many years, She has been inviting the world to prayer and conversion and many did not heed Her words, many have chosen to continue on the wrong paths, carrying out and living in works of sin and darkness. Pray much the prayer that My Immaculate Spouse has taught: “Lord, that I may never lose my faith in the terrible moments of trials that have come upon the world!” Pray this prayer several times. The Lord, when He returns, will look for some faith in the world. Enter into My Most Chaste Heart so that nothing will trouble you or makes you falter in faith. Believe! Believe! Believe! Faith and trust in God are far more precious than the goods of this world, which all ends and wears out. That the only good and love of your hearts be of God. He alone is enough. Understand that this is the time to pray together with your families and discover the true call of God in your lives. Decide, once and for all, to follow His holy path, united to His Heart. Before the cross, in your homes, kneel and ask for forgiveness of your sins, pray the Rosary with a new heart, repented and converted to the love of God. Read and meditate the Words of My Divine Son, light for your souls and consolation and strength in these times of trial. I am asking today, before His Divine Throne, for each of you. Pray and ask for forgiveness of your sins and your prayers will be heard soon and your tears of sorrows will be changed to tears of joy, because His Mercy extends from generation to generation to those who fear Him. I now impart My blessing and protection to the Holy Church and to all families of the entire the world: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" March 18, 2020 - Prayer taught by Glorious St. Joseph, at the request of Jesus to Edson Glauber3/18/2020
"Lord, have mercy on us and on the whole world.
We ask you through the intercession of Glorious Saint Joseph, Protector of the Holy Church and of our families, to banish and instantaneously make disappear, in the blink of an eye, this deadly virus that came from satan, that takes many human lives, in many places of the world. Grant us, this great grace. Do not look at our sins, but at the faith that animates your Church! ... Humiliate satan and all hell, exalting more and more St. Joseph and His Most Chaste Heart in the entire Church and in the whole world, as has never occurred in the history of humanity. May all remember the power of His intercession and the great love of His Most Chaste Heart, Who does not forsake us in the dangers and distresses of life. Glorious St. Joseph, Mighty Guardian and Father of our souls, remember that many of Your devotees have prayed your Holy Cloak of protection and Your Holy Chaplet of the 7 Sorrows and Joys and honor Your Most Chaste Heart, making the first Wednesdays of the month. For all the prayers that have been addressed to You and to Your Most Chaste Heart with much love and faith, show us the great sign of Your love, for the Holy Church and for the whole world. Obtain for us, from the Most High God, forgiveness of our sins and His Divine Mercy, which has been offended by many of us ungrateful sons and daughters. May the Lord forgive and save us. Now make our prayers count before the Holy Throne of God. We ask You with trust: now make Your promises count, that no one may invoke You in vain. We consecrate ourselves to Your Most Chaste Heart and we consecrate, at this moment, each country, each person contaminated, each area struck and hit by this evil and deadly act. That all hell tremble and flee in dread at the invocation of Your Heart and Your Most Holy Name, O Glorious Saint. That this deadly virus be crushed under Your holy, chaste and virginal feet, while we exclaim with great faith and trust in You: MOST CHASTE HEART OF SAINT JOSEPH BE THE GUARDIAN OF OUR FAMILY! Amen!" Pray this prayer, many times now, with faith and repented of your sins and even more tomorrow, on the Feast of St. Joseph! |
Some of these messages just reflect an excerpt of the original message. The complete messages will be added as the translations are made. |