"All those who honor you and turn to you will be led to the glory of My Kingdom" "This year is marked by my paternal protection. This year God gave in my hands, to my Chaste Heart to help all my children who turn to me in faith and love!"
(Saint Joseph to Edson Glauber, January 1, 2019 Hail Joseph, Son of David, just and chaste man, Wisdom is with you, blessed are you among all men and blessed is Jesus, the fruit of Mary, your faithful spouse.
Holy Joseph, worthy foster-father, protector of Jesus Christ and of the Holy Church, pray for us sinners and obtain Divine Wisdom from God, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. |
This year of 2019, let us make Saint Joseph more known and loved, teaching our brothers to honor His Most Chaste Heart, to use with faith and devotion his Scapular, a sign of his Protective Mantle, to pray often his Rosary of the Seven Sorrows and Joys, as well as his Holy Cloak.
Saint Joseph, the Foster Father of Jesus and the Protector of the Holy Church and of our families will not abandon us. Let us devote ourselves to work with love and commitment for the works of God and our neighbor, relieving them in their sufferings and afflictions. Certainly St. Joseph will be very happy for all that we do for the poorest, the helpless and the dying, and He will grant us his blessing and as well as the graces of his most loving Heart. May His name be more invoked and loved in our families and that every Wednesday of each week as well as every first Wednesday of the month be special days to learn to honor and love Him more and more, always united to his Most Chaste Heart.
O Saint Joseph, we place our life and our family into your hands. You know what troubles our heart the most. You know our anguish and sorrows. May your mantle of protection, a mantle of peace and of love be extended over the whole Church and over the entire world. Defend the oppressed; raise up the fallen; intercede for the healing of those who are spiritually blind, because pride and arrogance have taken over. Make us docile, obedient and humble before the call of God, and may our “yes” always resound from our lips, just as your Immaculate Spouse did. Take us to Jesus, true light and life for our lives. Amen!
Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, protect and defend my family against all evil and danger. Most chaste Heart of St Joseph pour on all humanity the graces and virtues of your Most Chaste Heart. Saint Joseph, I really entrust myself to you. I consecrate to you my soul and my body, my heart and all my life. Saint Joseph, defend the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. With the graces of your Most Chaste Heart, destroy the plans of satan, bless the entire Holy Church, the Pope, the Bishops and Priests of the whole world. We consign ourselves to you with love and trust, now and forever. Amen!
We consecrate ourselves to your Most Chaste Heart today. O Glorious Saint Joseph. We consecrate our families and all that we have. Just as you protected Jesus and Mary protect also, my beloved Protector, my soul and my life from the dangers that surround and threaten me.
O Glorious Saint Joseph, teach me to love deeply the most Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, so that I may come to love deeply your Most Chaste Heart like them, honoring it and making it known, as you deserve and ought to be honored and loved for all eternity. Amen!
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary and Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, I consecrate to you this day my mind (+ forehead) , my words (+ lips) , my body (+ chest) , my heart (+ under the left shoulder) and my soul (+ under the right shoulder) , so that your will be done through me this day. Amen!
(+) Make the sign of the cross.
Saint Joseph, the Foster Father of Jesus and the Protector of the Holy Church and of our families will not abandon us. Let us devote ourselves to work with love and commitment for the works of God and our neighbor, relieving them in their sufferings and afflictions. Certainly St. Joseph will be very happy for all that we do for the poorest, the helpless and the dying, and He will grant us his blessing and as well as the graces of his most loving Heart. May His name be more invoked and loved in our families and that every Wednesday of each week as well as every first Wednesday of the month be special days to learn to honor and love Him more and more, always united to his Most Chaste Heart.
O Saint Joseph, we place our life and our family into your hands. You know what troubles our heart the most. You know our anguish and sorrows. May your mantle of protection, a mantle of peace and of love be extended over the whole Church and over the entire world. Defend the oppressed; raise up the fallen; intercede for the healing of those who are spiritually blind, because pride and arrogance have taken over. Make us docile, obedient and humble before the call of God, and may our “yes” always resound from our lips, just as your Immaculate Spouse did. Take us to Jesus, true light and life for our lives. Amen!
Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, protect and defend my family against all evil and danger. Most chaste Heart of St Joseph pour on all humanity the graces and virtues of your Most Chaste Heart. Saint Joseph, I really entrust myself to you. I consecrate to you my soul and my body, my heart and all my life. Saint Joseph, defend the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. With the graces of your Most Chaste Heart, destroy the plans of satan, bless the entire Holy Church, the Pope, the Bishops and Priests of the whole world. We consign ourselves to you with love and trust, now and forever. Amen!
We consecrate ourselves to your Most Chaste Heart today. O Glorious Saint Joseph. We consecrate our families and all that we have. Just as you protected Jesus and Mary protect also, my beloved Protector, my soul and my life from the dangers that surround and threaten me.
O Glorious Saint Joseph, teach me to love deeply the most Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, so that I may come to love deeply your Most Chaste Heart like them, honoring it and making it known, as you deserve and ought to be honored and loved for all eternity. Amen!
Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary and Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph, I consecrate to you this day my mind (+ forehead) , my words (+ lips) , my body (+ chest) , my heart (+ under the left shoulder) and my soul (+ under the right shoulder) , so that your will be done through me this day. Amen!
(+) Make the sign of the cross.