Prayer of Command for Healing and Liberation of the Family
(Taught by Jesus to Edson Glauber, Manaus-AM)
(Original Prayer for Private Use)
I now cry out Lord, in Your Divine Will, that my will be one with Yours, that my lips be united with Yours, that my heart be grounded in Your Divine Heart, that we be one soul and one heart in Your love, that all my actions be united with Yours, that all my steps join Your footsteps, that every beat of my heart be one with the beat of Your Divine Heart, that my blood flows in Your Divine and Most Precious Blood, that my mind enters Your mind and thinks together with You, that I act united and perfectly with Yours, so that all I say, think and act may be according to your Holy and Divine Will, that created all beings and the whole the universe, and nothing is more powerful than it (your Divine Will), in which everything and all things are submissive to your Creative, Redeeming, Sanctifying and Divine power.
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of the Universe
Heaven and earth proclaim your glory!
Hosanna in the highest, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest!
In the Divine Will of God, in the name of Jesus I command that all identified unclean and satanic spirits receive divine judgment for having attacked my family. I now command all of you, evil spirits to leave my family definitively in the Name of Jesus, by His Most Precious Blood, by His Holy Wounds, by the intercession of the Immaculate Conception and of the Glorious Saint Joseph, Protector of the Holy Church and of our families, of the Archangels Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, St. Raphael and all the saints of Heaven.
In the Divine Will, through the power of the Most Holy Name of Jesus and His Precious Blood, leave my family forever you demons of curses inherited in our genealogical tree!
In the Divine Will, by the power of the Most Holy Name of Jesus and His Most Precious Blood, I rebuke you demons of pestilence and infectious diseases and cast you forever definitively into the abysses of hell in the name of Jesus.
All of you infernal legions, I tie you up and command you to release my family and all the families of the whole world, in the name of Jesus.
All of you demons behind satanic sects, of masonic and secret societies, that in the Divine Will be imprisoned, humiliated and vanquished at the foot of the Saving Cross of Jesus and be cast immediately and definitively into the abyss in the name and by the power of the Holy Wounds of Jesus, of His Most Precious Blood, through the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, Protector of the Holy Church and our families.
All of you demons of sorcery, satanic omens, enchantments, macumbas, prayers done in the dark (evil prayers) over our names and our photos, witchcraft of death made in food, with hair, nails, our intimate apparel or on pieces of our clothes, curses and plagues launched against us; all that was done, spoken and written against me and my family, in the Divine Will of God, in the Name of Jesus and by the power and merits of His Most Sorrowful Passion, I command you to leave us definitively and release us now and be tied and bound, with all your evils to the cross of Jesus, so that Jesus dispose of you as He wishes.
All of you demons of aggression, insanity, schizophrenia and all demons associated with psychic and mental illnesses, in the Divine Will of God, in the Name of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, before which all Heaven, all earth and even hell obey and kneel, by the Holy and Glorious Wounds of the Immaculate Lamb and His Most Precious Blood, I command you to definitively release my entire family, for the glory of the Eternal Father, of His Divine Son and the Holy Spirit.
In the Divine Will, I now command all of you demons of mental and psychic control to immediately and definitively release my whole family, our minds, attitudes of character and personality, physical and psychic, leave us immediately and release us in the womb, in soul and spirit. Set us free in the Name of Jesus.
In the Divine Will of God, I now apply the Most Precious Blood of Jesus with all its power, to torment all of you demons from hell with the gain of many souls for the Kingdom of Heaven, for the Glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and that His Divine Kingdom triumph in souls and His Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!
In the Divine Will, leave now and definitively release us all you evil spirits of the New Age, freemasonry, witchcraft, sympathies, macumba, esoterism, diabolic sects, occultism, leave now and definitively our lives and our families in the Name of Jesus.
In the Divine Will, I definitively cancel all pacts, covenants, oaths, vows made in our names, curses against me and my family members, in the Name of Jesus!
Lord, Eternal and Almighty Father, I ask you to restore my family. Heal and free us by the Blood of Jesus and that, the glory, peace, joy and virtues that have been stolen from us, be restored to us right now in the name of Your Most Beloved Son Our Lord Jesus Christ and for the infinite merits of His Most Sorrowful Passion and Death on the cross.
Lord, in Your Divine Will, I thank You for Your healing and liberating power over my life and my family. To You all honor and glory be given forever and ever.
Holy Spirit, anoint my family which I now consecrate to You and grant it definitive healing and deliverance forever, destroying all evil, restoring every part of their beings, where they need to receive support and be restored, liberating them completely, in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Precious Blood we ask you. Amen!
(Original Prayer for Private Use)
I now cry out Lord, in Your Divine Will, that my will be one with Yours, that my lips be united with Yours, that my heart be grounded in Your Divine Heart, that we be one soul and one heart in Your love, that all my actions be united with Yours, that all my steps join Your footsteps, that every beat of my heart be one with the beat of Your Divine Heart, that my blood flows in Your Divine and Most Precious Blood, that my mind enters Your mind and thinks together with You, that I act united and perfectly with Yours, so that all I say, think and act may be according to your Holy and Divine Will, that created all beings and the whole the universe, and nothing is more powerful than it (your Divine Will), in which everything and all things are submissive to your Creative, Redeeming, Sanctifying and Divine power.
Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of the Universe
Heaven and earth proclaim your glory!
Hosanna in the highest, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest!
In the Divine Will of God, in the name of Jesus I command that all identified unclean and satanic spirits receive divine judgment for having attacked my family. I now command all of you, evil spirits to leave my family definitively in the Name of Jesus, by His Most Precious Blood, by His Holy Wounds, by the intercession of the Immaculate Conception and of the Glorious Saint Joseph, Protector of the Holy Church and of our families, of the Archangels Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, St. Raphael and all the saints of Heaven.
In the Divine Will, through the power of the Most Holy Name of Jesus and His Precious Blood, leave my family forever you demons of curses inherited in our genealogical tree!
In the Divine Will, by the power of the Most Holy Name of Jesus and His Most Precious Blood, I rebuke you demons of pestilence and infectious diseases and cast you forever definitively into the abysses of hell in the name of Jesus.
All of you infernal legions, I tie you up and command you to release my family and all the families of the whole world, in the name of Jesus.
All of you demons behind satanic sects, of masonic and secret societies, that in the Divine Will be imprisoned, humiliated and vanquished at the foot of the Saving Cross of Jesus and be cast immediately and definitively into the abyss in the name and by the power of the Holy Wounds of Jesus, of His Most Precious Blood, through the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, Protector of the Holy Church and our families.
All of you demons of sorcery, satanic omens, enchantments, macumbas, prayers done in the dark (evil prayers) over our names and our photos, witchcraft of death made in food, with hair, nails, our intimate apparel or on pieces of our clothes, curses and plagues launched against us; all that was done, spoken and written against me and my family, in the Divine Will of God, in the Name of Jesus and by the power and merits of His Most Sorrowful Passion, I command you to leave us definitively and release us now and be tied and bound, with all your evils to the cross of Jesus, so that Jesus dispose of you as He wishes.
All of you demons of aggression, insanity, schizophrenia and all demons associated with psychic and mental illnesses, in the Divine Will of God, in the Name of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, before which all Heaven, all earth and even hell obey and kneel, by the Holy and Glorious Wounds of the Immaculate Lamb and His Most Precious Blood, I command you to definitively release my entire family, for the glory of the Eternal Father, of His Divine Son and the Holy Spirit.
In the Divine Will, I now command all of you demons of mental and psychic control to immediately and definitively release my whole family, our minds, attitudes of character and personality, physical and psychic, leave us immediately and release us in the womb, in soul and spirit. Set us free in the Name of Jesus.
In the Divine Will of God, I now apply the Most Precious Blood of Jesus with all its power, to torment all of you demons from hell with the gain of many souls for the Kingdom of Heaven, for the Glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and that His Divine Kingdom triumph in souls and His Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!
In the Divine Will, leave now and definitively release us all you evil spirits of the New Age, freemasonry, witchcraft, sympathies, macumba, esoterism, diabolic sects, occultism, leave now and definitively our lives and our families in the Name of Jesus.
In the Divine Will, I definitively cancel all pacts, covenants, oaths, vows made in our names, curses against me and my family members, in the Name of Jesus!
Lord, Eternal and Almighty Father, I ask you to restore my family. Heal and free us by the Blood of Jesus and that, the glory, peace, joy and virtues that have been stolen from us, be restored to us right now in the name of Your Most Beloved Son Our Lord Jesus Christ and for the infinite merits of His Most Sorrowful Passion and Death on the cross.
Lord, in Your Divine Will, I thank You for Your healing and liberating power over my life and my family. To You all honor and glory be given forever and ever.
Holy Spirit, anoint my family which I now consecrate to You and grant it definitive healing and deliverance forever, destroying all evil, restoring every part of their beings, where they need to receive support and be restored, liberating them completely, in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Precious Blood we ask you. Amen!

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