"Peace My beloved children, peace!
My children, I your Mother, invite you to pray with love and faith. Have trust in God and in His Divine protection. Do not worry, the Lord is always close to all those who serve and love Him. I am here to protect you with My Immaculate Mantle. Pray for those who do not believe and who no longer have faith. Yes, they are in danger of not rising from the life of sin and their sufferings, consequences of their terrible sins, because they have removed God from their hearts and their lives. Intercede, My children, for the good and the conversion of humanity that suffers, because it does not listen to Me and does not pray. Receive My Immaculate light and take it to your brothers and sisters, so that they may be enlightened by the grace of God and renew their lives in the love of My Son Jesus. My children, the world is undergoing great trials due to the disobedience to the Divine Commandments and the Lord's holy teachings. God does not love disobedience; God does not love hearts full of pride. The prideful, if they do not ask for forgiveness of their sins, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven, because many do not want to admit their errors nor correct themselves from them. Come back, come back to the Lord and He will make the light of His Divine Face shine on you and on your families. I love you and with My Immaculate Heart full of the peace of God I bless you. Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" "Peace to your heart!
My son, the children of darkness are smarter than the children of light. They act faster, while the children of light are asleep as if nothing happened, because they do not use and do not claim the wisdom that comes from God, they do not know how to discern things. They are blind, dumb and deaf, because of their weaknesses and sins. Pray, my son, pray for the spiritual healing of souls. Claim for the healing and the deliverance they need. They will find a cure and relief for their pain, sickness and afflictions in My holy Wounds and through My Most Precious Blood. I am here, before you and before all those who invoke My name, to be your Savior and the Savior all of humanity. Trust and believe. I can do all things! I bless you!" "Peace My beloved children, peace!
My children, I, your Mother, am here to bless you and help you overcome the trials of life, fighting, together with you, all the evil that wants to strike you down and cause you sorrow, pain and sicknesses. Have faith, My children. God, the Lord of Heaven and earth, is more powerful than satan and everything. His agents are nothing before Him. Consecrate yourselves every day to our Three Most Sacred Hearts and the Lord will protect you and grant you countless bodily and spiritual graces. Pray the Rosary. Each Rosary prayed in your lives frees you from all evil influences and actions. Pray the Rosary with faith and love, for this prayer makes you merit a shower of graces from Heaven. Do not let yourselves be overcome by the temptations and errors of this world. Surrender yourselves into the hands of My Divine Son and He will give you His Divine strength to bear witness to His love and His Word to all your brothers and sisters, with awe and faith. Pray! Pray! Pray, My children, prayer is holy and powerful and it changes everything. Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" “Lord, I am all yours. Through the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph take care of me now and always. May your Divine Will reign in my life. May I live in it and follow your footsteps, being Your faithful apostle who proclaims Your words of Life and Truth to souls; so that all be freed and saved from the snares of the devil and of sin.
May Your love inflame my heart and fill me completely, so that I will not desire anything else, other than to aspire and live to serve You, die for You and in You, in your grace one day. Amen!” The Holy Mother came today dressed in white, so beautiful and majestic, with a blue sash around her waist and golden roses on Her feet, as in Lourdes. She gave us the following message:
"Peace My beloved children, peace! My children, I, your Immaculate Mother, come from Heaven to lead you to God, to the Heart of My Son Jesus. I am here before you with My Immaculate Heart full of love, because I desire your happiness and eternal salvation. I want to alleviate your sufferings and give you My Motherly blessing, so that you may have the strength and grace to follow the holy path of My Son Jesus. My children, change your lives, leave all the wrong things behind and accept to live the holy words of My Son Jesus, which will change your hearts and make you holier people. You do not want to be part of the world, because whoever lives for the world and forgets God cannot merit Heaven one day, that is the true home of eternal happiness. Be My children who know how to pray and make reparations for the sins of the world. Receive My love in your hearts so that you may have peace. I am the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace, I am the Immaculate Conception: I am one, the Mother of God and the Queen of Heaven and earth. I receive you under My Mantle of protection and keep away from you and your families all bodily and spiritual dangers, asking before the Throne of My Son Jesus for health for your body and soul, relief and cure, for your illnesses. Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" Today, Jesus came with Our Lady to bless us. They, majestically and full of love, desire our conversion and our eternal salvation ardently. He gave us great graces during the apparition, so that we can act, in the name of God, for the good of the Holy Church and the salvation of souls. God will act with His gifts granted to us, so that we can witness the risen Christ in a world full of corpses, dead in sin. The Holy Spirit will grant His Divine fire, so that many will rise and live for the life of grace, being children of light, to praise and glorify Him full of His glory, because the time of grace is already ending. Soon sad events will wound so many who do not want to convert and change their own lives. It was Jesus who gave us the message, tonight:
"My peace to you all! My son, I came from Heaven with My Immaculate Mother, to plead your hearts for a little love. Love is missing, a heart that loves God above all is missing, souls who know how to make reparations and sacrifice for sinners are missing. Learn to save souls, they are precious to Me. I shed My blood and suffered the terrible martyrdom of the passion and the cross for all of you. Pray, My son, pray that hearts will open to My love, that your brothers and sisters will decide to live for the Kingdom of Heaven, leaving all the wrong things behind. Don't be afraid of anything. My love is stronger than anything and it will protect you and all those who believe in Me. Ask Me for graces for the sinful world and I, in My infinite wisdom, will dispense them to those souls who are in great need and who are in accordance with My Divine Will. Times are dark and difficult because faith has grown cold and many hearts have been contaminated by Satan's lies. Many are living in error and sin, because there is no one who can bring My light and grace to them, because many live only for themselves, in their own selfishness and for self-interest. I seek true apostles of these times, who want to listen to My words and live them, taking them to those who need light and conversion. Do not waste time, My son. Soon, many things will change in the world, because the sins of humanity are attracting My justice that will wound sinners terribly. Many parts of the earth will disappear forever, because they do not want to repent of their crimes or to make reparations for the outrages committed against Me. I am giving a time for conversion to the Amazon. Do not despise this grace by remaining deaf, otherwise you will all regret of not having listened to Me. I say to everyone: come back, come back because I can no longer bear so many offenses and sins any longer. Repent with a sincere heart and I will have mercy of each of you and your families. I bless you: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" "Peace My beloved children, peace!
My children, I, your Mother, invite you to conversion and repentance of your sins. Be of My Son Jesus, living love and forgiveness in your lives. Pray for all My children who are blinded by Satan, who live in a life of sin, far from the Heart of My Son Jesus and My Immaculate Heart. Children, times are serious. Many do not realize that they must pray and watch, because a great suffering will befall humanity because it offends God terribly. Pray the Rosary for your families and for all the families of the entire world. Prayer removes natural calamities, all evils and plague away from all those who take refuge under My Immaculate Mantle. Consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart. Be sons and daughters of faith and prayer. Believe in the power of prayer, trust in the Lord's protection. He never leaves His people in the hands of the wicked. Whoever shouts for His Holy Protection and in His Holy Name will not be confused. God loves you, My children, and sends Me from Heaven to show you the safe path that leads to eternal salvation. Take My Motherly words into your hearts. Be of the Lord. Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" Our Lady, during the apparition, talked to me about the future of the world and the Church. Before leaving She said: "My son, many will lose their faith and will not believe in anything. Many will abandon the True Faith, through the fault of the Ministers of God who have allowed great errors to enter the Church of My Divine Son, as if they were truths. My Heart is concerned with the salvation of so many souls who are losing the light that illuminates their lives, to be enveloped by the darkness of Satan that takes to eternal death, in the fires of hell. Tell your brothers and sisters to pray much and do penance, because the devil wants to destroy everything that is sacred and reminds of God. Many of My children are blind and are not seeing the danger right before their very eyes. Pray, My son, pray and console My Motherly Heart. See you soon!" Tonight, the Holy Mother came very majestic and full of love. Her Immaculate presence always gives us strength and peace. Her maternal gaze always accompanies us and is attentive to our steps, to help us to do always God's will. Tonight, She said to us:
"Peace My beloved children, peace! My children, I, your Mother, am here to lead you to God, because He desires your conversion and eternal salvation. Pray to remain on the Lord's holy path. This path is one of much prayer, renunciation, penance and repentance, where you will learn to love and forgive. Do not depart from My Immaculate Heart, by sinning and offending My Son Jesus. My children, I am concerned about the fate of the world and your families. Many calamities will wound severely many of My children because they do not listen to Me, they are deaf and their hearts hard like stones. I place Myself between you and My Son to plead Him for mercy, not to punish you, due to disobedience and ingratitude that many of you commit without making reparation. Don't get tired of praying. May prayer be life and light in your homes, so that you may desire to be with God and be worthy of His Divine graces and blessings. Pray! Pray! Pray! Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!" Before leaving, the Holy Mother said to us: "Always be prepared in the grace of God, with frequent confession and communion. Listen to My calls, live what I tell you. It is for your good, beloved children. See you soon!" "Peace My beloved children, peace!
My children, I, your Mother, come from Heaven to bless you, to guide you along the path of prayer and conversion that leads to Heaven, to the Heart of My Son Jesus. I love you and I come to guarantee you protection and peace. Do not depart from prayer and the Lord's holy path, so that you may merit the blessings and graces of Heaven. Pray, pray to be strong in faith, because great errors and sufferings will come from inside the Church, offending the Heart of My Son Jesus terribly. Pray for the Ministers of God, that they will be faithful to the Lord, because Satan wants to draw many of them into the fires of hell, because they are living more for the world than for God. How it wounds My Heart to see how the Church of My Divine Son is losing its sacredness to become more paganized. Many errors are drawing many souls on the path of perdition. You cannot merit Heaven without God in your lives. Heaven is for those who live in the will of God and His holy teachings that give you eternal life. Come back, come back to God, otherwise the world will be crushed by the arm of the Lord that will fall and wound the unfaithful and disobedient severely. Do not let yourselves be overcome by the world and sin, for they cannot give you the light of God or eternal life. Be of God so that He can transform you in His true disciples who follow in His footsteps, being a light to all men. My children, I am always by your side to light your steps. Consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart every day and I will teach you to be faithful to God until the end. Fight for Heaven. Fight for eternal life and not for a life in this world, that cannot give you true happiness. Remember: whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for the sake of My Son and the Gospel, will save it for eternal life. Live for God and you will always have His blessing. Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" "Peace My beloved children, peace!
My children, I your Mother, call you to God. Do not be deaf to My call. Time is serious and urgent. Do not stray from the path of prayer, for it will help you to stay on the path of conversion that I am indicating to you so that you will be united to God and His love. The world is going through many trials because of sins and being disobedient to God. Great sorrows and sufferings will spread quickly throughout the world as a result of sin. Satan uses corrupt and greedy men to destroy thousands of people at a moment's notice without remorse and sorrow. My children, there is so much evil in the world, but greater is the love of the Lord and more powerful is His protection. Trust! Have faith in the Heart of My Divine Son. Fear nothing. Whoever prays and lives his daily conversion should fear nothing. I am here to cover you with My protective mantle. I'm here, because I love you. Pray for unbelievers and for those who have hardened and closed their hearts, for they will suffer much until they learn to be obedient to God and recognize His Divine Majesty. Pray, pray very much, because God is still giving you a time for conversion. Do not lose this grace. Change your lives. Return to your homes with the peace of God. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" |
Some of these messages just reflect an excerpt of the original message. The complete messages will be added as the translations are made. |