"Peace to your heart, My son!
My son, when men and women cannot obtain the merciful look of God and attract His grace with their pleading before His Divine Heart because of their sins, children obtain everything from My Divine Son with their pleading before His Throne. It was like this during the terrible time of World War II, when the Pope invited parents and Priests to bring the children around the altar of My Immaculate Spouse, offering flowers and prayers to obtain the gift of peace for families and for all humanity and God heard the children's prayers and, in these difficult times, it will be no different. Tell parents to ask their little children to gather flowers from their garden, if they have one, and to place them before the altar of their homes in honor of My Divine Son and My Immaculate Spouse and that they say: “Jesus and Mary, it was St. Joseph who asked me to offer You these flowers with My prayers, united to His Seven Sorrows and Seven Joys, to His tears and sweat shed to sustain You, to help You and protect You in difficulties, persecutions and the dangers You went through while you were living in this valley of tears, for all this have mercy on all humanity. United to His Most Chaste Heart, we honor your Most Sacred Hearts, offering our prayers as reparation for our sins and the sins of the whole world, by which you are offended and as a plea for the conversion of sinners. Remove this terrible scourge as soon as possible and obtain for us the grace for the liberation and victory over all evil. Amen!” In doing so, My son, My Immaculate Spouse, who is seated at the right hand of the King of Heaven, as Queen, with a splendid robe of gold of Ophir, will know what to do and what to ask before the Divine Heart of My Son Jesus for each one of you and for the whole world. Act! Here is My message, My message of life and hope for the whole world, because My Son is alive and is risen and He has overcome sin and death to open the doors of Heaven and give eternal life to all those who believe in the power of His Words and His Divine love. I bless you!" "Peace to your heart!
My son, many signs have been given to the world, but the world did not want to convert and open its heart to My love. The most beautiful and grandiose sign has been My Immaculate Mother who has come to the world for so many years to convey Her holy messages. Many have been those who have closed their ears to Her Motherly words. Many have been the ones who have ridiculed and mocked Her pure and holy love, denying Her real and holy presence in many parts of the world. They have laughed, mocked Her and have prevented many souls from hearing, receiving and living Her Maternal requests communicated with much love, pain and concern. My son, My Heart has been wounded and offended once again, while My Mother was being outraged and treated as any woman, as the most insignificant person. And they continue to belittle Her, taking away the honors, virtues and privileges that I have granted Her for Her great love, for Her great humility, obedience, acceptance and total surrender to My Divine Will. No other creature, neither angelic nor human, has reached such a great holiness and perfection as My Immaculate Mother, all pure and without any spot of original sin. After My Most Holy Mother, no other creature is so holy and pleasing to My Divine Heart other than My Just, Virgin Father Joseph, giving Me the love that consoles it, that perfumes My Throne in Heaven, full of virtues and merits. After Her, He is the most powerful person in Heaven, of Whom all hell trembles and of Him, is terrified. Ask for St. Joseph's help for yourselves, for you have not yet realized the great power of His intercession before the Most Holy Trinity in Heaven. He obtains everything when He appears before My Throne. I cannot deny Him anything. I cannot resist His requests. He, with so much love, dedicated Himself to take care of Me, the Word Made Flesh and My Most Holy Mother in this world, for His hardships, His sweat, pains and tears shed to protect us from the dangers of the times in which we lived, so that the Father's will would be fulfilled. Remember, My son, each age has its cruel and terrible dangers, but God has never abandoned His people and evil never had and will never have the final say. Pray! Pray! This is the request of My Mother and Queen, of the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace. In prayer is the profound mystery of touching the Heart of a God, of a God who allows Himself to be moved by the pleas of all those who trust in His Divine Love and for them He will do great things. I bless you!" "Peace to your heart!
My son, unite yourself to My Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, that suffers from the loss of many souls. My Son came to save them, but many have rejected His Divine love and graces, thinking that the world can give them life and happiness, pure illusion that the devil has placed in their hearts. Nothing is more precious than My Son's love, grace and forgiveness. Whoever is united to His Divine Heart has true life, has the doors of Heaven open for himself. The world cannot give you eternal life, only My Son can give you the Kingdom of Heaven. Fight for Heaven and not to have things of this world. Everything passes. There is no point in having material goods if your souls are putrid and destroyed by sin, they make you deserve the fire of hell. My son, great persecution will come for the Church and for many of My children. The persecution will be visible, frightening and terrible. Satan's agents will silence and lead many people to cruel martyrdom, who will not deny the Truths left by My Son Jesus. These will be days of great persecution and pain. But My Son's triumph over all evil will come when He acts, at the time established by the Eternal Father, in favor of His Church and of those who will remain firm and faithful to His holy teachings, who will follow Him in faith, carrying their cross. Many modern means of communication will become your enemies and will those that will take many to cruel martyrdom. Pray! Pray! Pray a lot, My son, and tell all My children to consecrate themselves and their families, daily, to our Three Sacred Hearts and to ask for the protection of St. Joseph, the Protector of the Holy Church and your families. He, by the direction of the Most Holy Trinity, will protect them and help them in these difficult times, humiliating the devil, destroying all his snares, lies and attacks against the children of the Lord who cry out for His Divine help in these difficult times. Pray to your Guardian Angel every night. They have the mission to rule, guard, guide and enlighten your lives, by the commend of the Lord of Heaven and Earth, Who takes care of His children with much love and zeal. They will appear visibly and will do great miracles to free you from the dangers of soul and body when the times become dark and difficult. As the Angel of the Lord was sent to free Peter, so your Guardian Angels will do so many things for each one of you. Have them as your great and faithful friends, given by God to each one of you. I bless you, My son, as well as all of humanity!" "Peace to your heart!
My son, I am thirsty for souls. Save My souls with your prayers, sufferings and sacrifices. They cost Me bitter suffering and My Blood that was shed for the salvation of the many who would have later believed and immolated themselves for My love. Many are incredulous, My son, how they loathe Me, because they offend Me and increase the suffering to My Heart with their infidelities and sins. Pray for the conversion of the incredulous, for those who have rejected My gifts, My extraordinary, denying them to continue to live wrongful lives, adding sin upon sins. I offer you My Heart, My son, My Heart that was opened by the spear, embedding a deep wound, a sign of My love, in which you can enter and remain, protected against the evils and the darkness of these difficult times. Surrender yourself to My love, realize My will. God speaks and desires to be heard. Love calls humanity and desires to be received. I, the Word Made Flesh, was hung on a cross and with it I loved everyone with love until the end. May all love, love with this love of Mine, received and lived in your lives until the end and sin and death will have no power or find victory over you, because I have conquered the world. I bless you!" "Peace to your heart!
My son, in the past, I was betrayed with a kiss by a traitor. Today, there are many traitors inserted into My Holy Church who tear My Divine Heart with their malignant actions, allowing My glory and the splendor of My Bride to be profaned, despised, diminished and fought. Dense darkness surrounds her, wanting to make it sink in the great storm that she is undergoing, being strongly hit by great and violent waves which are non other than false ideologies and doctrinal and theological errors that are preached to souls, confusing them and making them lose faith, denying My true teachings for falsehood and lies. The enemies of the faith and of My Church act in secret, but I, at the right time, will pull off the masks of all of them. Pray for the true Shepherd, the Shepherd who was forced to resign, because of the agents of satan in My Holy Sanctuary. These are the wolves disguised in lambskin clothing, these are the ones who, because of money, power and pleasure have sold their souls to the devil, as Judas sold his and handed Me over for thirty pieces of silver. Poor souls, a little longer and all will end for them. Everything passes quickly. Man's life in this world is short. The most important thing is the salvation of the soul and woe to those who, in their last breath, My justice finds unprepared, far from My grace. My son, console My heart, because My justice will be big and strong when it befalls on the satanists, the apostates and the faithless and no trace of them will remain. I bless you!" "Peace to your heart!
My son, your mother is united with Me on the cross. Her daily sufferings, sacrifices and carrying the cross of the illness have saved many souls for My Kingdom of Love. I ask that you also unite yourself to the merits of My Passion together with her, so that more and more souls be healed and converted. In the silence and in the hiding of a room, her bed has become the altar and the cross where she immolates herself for My love, for the good of My Holy Church, for the conversion and salvation of many of My rebellious, ungrateful and unworthy Ministers, who wound My Divine Heart with their terrible sins and offenses. I also called you many years ago to help Me with your prayers, sacrifices and penances in order to repair many sins of the world, because My Holy and Divine Love is not accepted by many, but is despised. My Heart suffers for so much ingratitude and coldness. My son, allow My love to inflame your heart. Receive it! And with it irradiate My light and My grace to your brothers and sisters so that they desire to be of God and live for the Kingdom of Heaven. I bless you!" "Peace to your heart!
My son, placate My Divine Justice on sinners of the whole world. Many are the sins that must be repaired and few reparations are made. I see more sins being committed than reparations and sacrifices offered to My defiled Divine Majesty. If Brazil repents of its sins and abandons its bad ways, I will have mercy on it and I will free it from all evil without delay. I will make it a great nation that will shine My love, My grace and My mercy before all other nations. From Brazil My wonders will go out to all humanity. Continue to intercede for the good of Brazil and for all humanity and I will bring down from their thrones the wicked, the liars and the murderers, and everyone will be amazed at the deliverance that I will do for the people of Brazil. I bless you!" "Peace to your heart!
My son, unite yourself to My Divine Son to be able to win the good fight, the battles of your life. My Son, once, showed you in your dreams those who He will, one day, take to His Kingdom of Glory. Work tirelessly, spreading My holy messages, so that many, many souls may merit this glory. Those who are obedient to the will of God, accepting with faith and love His appeals that I communicate to them, will never be disappointed, because God knows how to give a just reward to all those who live united to His love and who are obedient to Him. Pray! pray a lot and God's victory over all evil will come. I bless you!" "Peace to your heart!
My son, if humanity will tear its heart before Me I will convert it, I will have pity and be moved by its sufferings and afflictions. I desire repentance and salvation of souls. May they ask for the forgiveness of their sins, correcting themselves of their bad ways and I, once again, will be moved and bless them. The way I open My Sacred Heart to repentant sinners as a safe shelter of blessings and graces, so may they open their hearts to Me, humbled and contrite of their errors, accepting My love in their lives, because I, the God of Heaven and Earth, am neither loved nor honored. I was treated as the worst person in the world, being trampled upon and blasphemed, being considered an object of scorn and ridiculed before many. My love saves, My love sanctifies you. My love heals the wounds and the infirmities of your bodies and souls. Believe in My love and salvation will reign in your lives and enter your families. I bless you!" The Lord gave us this reading: “Yet even now says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart, with fasting, and weeping, and mourning; Rend your hearts, not your garments, and return to the Lord, your God. For gracious and merciful is he, slow to anger, rich in kindness, and relenting in punishment. Perhaps he will again relent and leave behind him a blessing, offerings and libations for the Lord, your God. Blow the trumpet in Zion! Proclaim a fast, call an assembly; Gather the people, notify the congregation, Assemble the elders, gather the children, and the infants at the breast; Let the bridegroom quit his room, and the bride her chamber. Between the porch and the altar let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep, and say, “Spare, O Lord, your people, and make not your heritage a reproach, with the nations ruling over them! Why should they say among the peoples, “Where is their God?” (Joel 2,12-17) "Peace to your heart!
My son, even in times of suffering and tribulation, men like to sin and offend My Divine Heart. Sin has hardened their hearts and blinded many of them, because they see nothing and hear nothing. If there is no repentance and conversion there is no forgiveness and mercy and I let My justice continue, punishing them for their sins. I bless you!" For this reason, they could not believe, because again Isaiah said: “It blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, so that they might not see with their eyes and understand with their hearts and be converted, and I will heal them.” Isaiah said this because he saw his glory and spoke about him. (John 12: 39-41) And even though our gospel is veiled, it is veiled for those who are perishing, in whose case the god of this age has blinded the mind of believers, so that they may not see the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. (Corinthians 4: 3-4) |
Some of these messages just reflect an excerpt of the original message. The complete messages will be added as the translations are made. |