"Peace to your heart!
My son, pray and make many pray because times are bad and many prayers are needed to stop the evil that is advancing within the Church of My Divine Son and in the world. Great calamities will befall poor humanity, because of the sins of the Ministers of God and their corrupted lives that have led many faithful to error and sin. A great sentence of Divine justice awaits on the heads of many of them. The scandals and lack of respect for the Sacred have reached such a point that the Angels and Saints of Heaven look with terror at the Church of My Son Jesus and at the Eucharistic celebrations, seeing how sacrilegious they have become, with so many outrages, lack of love and respect for the Sacred Body of My Divine Son in the Eucharist. Confusion reigns within the House of God and sins and outrages have increased in a terrible proportion. Greater blame to those who have allowed such atrocity and lack of respect inside the House of God and, even more, have those who are well above them, in the Episcopate and in the government of the Holy Church. Every offense and outrage committed against My Divine Son and against the faith, scandalizing the faithful, will be severely charged by the Eternal Father to each one of them. The sheep suffer because they no longer have holy, enlightened, courageous and faithful shepherds who lead them to safe pastures. The sheep are hungry and thirsty for light, grace and Eternal Truths, but they find only desolation and sadness. Pray, My son, pray for the Holy Church and ask everyone to bend their knees to the ground, pleading for the strength, light and the grace of God for Shepherds who have faltered in faith and who no longer know how to be true Shepherds. I plead, asking before the Most Holy Trinity, for mercy and divine grace for all of them and for all My children who trust in My Motherly intercession. Holy Mother, and when will the times of joy and triumph come? She answered: My son, now is the time for purification, persecutions and pains. Only after the Church has gone through her most painful Calvary, she will then live the Triumph of My Immaculate Heart, prepared by the Lord for all those who have been faithful to the end. With prayer and trust in God, each one of My children will already live and feel the approaching of this Triumph of mine in their hearts, because the love of My Divine Son and My Motherly love will always console them and give strength to their afflicted souls, whom are awaiting the new times prepared by the Lord. Receive My love and My peace. I bless you: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" "My son, I, your Mother, come from Heaven to tell you to always remain faithful to My Son Jesus, even in the greatest trials and for everything that must now occur in the world.
I have already warned you about the decline of faith, of the infidelities of the clergy and the terrible trials that must be endured by the many faithful who keep the testimony of My Son Jesus Christ. Great outrages and things never thought of will happen inside the House of God, scandalizing the faithful even more and, because of the scorning of faith, many will discredit the Church of My Divine Son. Satan's hatred against the Church and against the Eucharist has become more fierce and visible as never before, because his Satanic and Masonic agents within the Holy Church act tirelessly so that the Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of My Son Jesus Christ be despised, trampled and outraged, as something unimportant that does not deserve due respect and adoration." I said to the Blessed Mother: Many ask questions and desire a light as how they should behave and receive Jesus in the Eucharist in these dark times. The Blessed Mother said: "The provisions for distributing or receiving My Son Jesus Christ in the Eucharist continue to be the same, for Heaven. They have not changed in Heaven by human orders and laws. It is men who must obey divine orders, to the tradition of the Holy Church and to the true Magisterium and it is not God who must submit to the errors and changes made by incredulous men, who act for the realization of their sinful interests, with the persecution of the Church and the faith. God is not deceived and not mocked. Always receive My Son Jesus worthily in your mouth and on your knees. Do not accept if they will force you to do the opposite." I also asked a personal question and, referring to the question, the Blessed Mother said: "Priests should never celebrate the Holy Sacrifice with masks and gloves. It is a lack of respect for God, the Lord of Heaven and earth and an outrage to a Mystery so Holy and Sublime that they celebrate. That they never touch the Sacrosanct Body of My Divine Son and neither distribute it to the faithful wearing gloves. That they do not offend anymore Our Lord who is already very offended. In Fatima, I told you that Russia would spread its errors, promoting wars and persecutions to the Church, that the good would be martyred and that the Holy Father would have suffered much. You are living these days and you will see the persecutions and sufferings increase more and more, reaching the point of having to celebrate My Son's Holy Sacrifice in secret, if you want to celebrate it in the proper form, just and holy as God desires. This evil against the Church of My Son and against the Eucharist began to be introduced among the Ministers of God since 1960. It was necessary in the Masonic plan, that the Ministers of My Son would adhere to modern and worldly ideas, leaving aside the priestly vestments and the celebrations of the Holy Sacrifice, held in the past, in the Tridentine form. How many evils could have been avoided if they had not taken this sublime gift from the faithful, making them have a distorted view of the Holy Divine Sacrifice to a mere banquet. How many priestly souls have eternally condemned themselves to the fire of hell and how many others run the same danger, for having been unfaithful to the Lord, thus allowing so many theological errors and mundane ideas that lead many souls today to the abyss of perdition. The Church has been badly wounded during this time and, today, once again, it has been wounded and is bleeding profusely, because the blow that they have inflicted on her is deep, making it stagger and lose her strength, because the forces of darkness want to eliminate her from the face of earth, creating a new humanity without God, that accepts all kinds of errors as if they were truths, teaching souls as if God were present in all these errors and accept so great heresies. God is only one: listen, Israel, the Lord our God, is the only Lord! The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is the only Lord of Heaven and earth. Outside of Him, there is no other God and Lord and outside the Holy Church, founded by My Son Jesus Christ, through the action of the Holy Spirit, there is no salvation. Those who do not believe in these truths will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Teach this to everyone. Enlighten souls so that they may open their hearts to Divine Truths and be saved. I bless you!" "Peace to your heart!
My son, pray a lot, because the world needs many prayers and because it is about to be punished terribly by the justice of God. Humanity has reached the edge of the abyss and many today are already falling in it, being led to hell by demons because they did not live united with God, but have doubted the presence of the Lord in the Eucharist, they did not believe in His Holy Words anymore, rejecting His Divine Laws, transforming the House of God into a den of thieves and of terrible outrages. My son, never before as today, Satan has gained so much power and space to act within the Church of My Divine Son. He is achieving his evil intent to destroy the faith in many souls, leading them to deny God and the Eternal Truths, making them accept his deadly poison of errors and lies, that lead to a life without God, far from His Divine love. The Truth and the Eternal Life are found only in God, in My Son Jesus Christ. Jesus is very offended. His Divine Justice wants to punish sinners, due to their indifference and contempt towards Me, His Immaculate Mother. My son, make reparations for the terrible sins committed against Me. These sins attract terrible punishments and scourges on sinners. The justice of My Divine Son cannot bear these sinners and their ingratitude any longer. The Angel of the Lord has the sword of fire raised and with it he wants to strike more intensely the whole world, all those children of mine who did not want to repent, correcting themselves of their sins, nor making reparations and sacrifices. Inside your homes, pray a lot the prayer that the Angel of Peace (*) taught My shepherding children, prostrating yourselves, with your faces to the ground, imploring the forgiveness of God for yourselves and for the sinners of the whole world. The external signs of prayer and brightness are disappearing, to make way to the dense clouds of darkness and sin that envelop the world that has left God aside. The Church, the Spouse of My Divine Son, the Immaculate Lamb, is living her passion, the hours of darkness and abandonment, being stripped of her garments and her splendor, through the fault of those who should love her, honor her and defend her, giving way to a false church without light, life and direction, where doubts and uncertainties prevail over all Truth, reducing faith to nothing, to mere human and mundane concepts that do not convert and do not save anyone. My son, My Heart suffers for all that My Son's Church is going through and living. I am concerned and afflicted for all that many of My children will have to suffer and endure, due to the fault of corrupted and faithless men, who will lead them to a spiritual death of their souls and on the path that takes to the fire of hell. My Heart bleeds for the children and the young people who have lost the candor of purity, destroying the virginity of their bodies and the innocence of their souls and hearts. All of this has contributed for the devil to have more strength and power over the world. Many do not understand and, if they do not strive, they will never understand the value of prayers of the virgins and the pure souls in the world. Close your eyes to all that is sinful and mundane, so that the fiery arrows of the infernal enemy will not wound you in the soul. Be of God. Love the Lord. Offer Him your prayers accompanied by the gentle fragrance of your souls permeated with purity, holiness and good intentions. That prayer be your love encounter with God, accepting and submitting yourselves to His Divine Will, so that it may be accomplished perfectly in your lives. Save souls for Heaven and save yourselves, obeying God and His Divine calls, for without Him you are unable to do anything good. I bless you!" (*) The Pardon Prayer: My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee! I beg pardon for all those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee! (3x) "Peace to your heart!
My son, I come from Heaven with My Motherly Heart full of the love and the graces of God. I reveal to you the secrets of My love, as well as the sorrows that My Heart suffers, because of ungrateful sinners who are many in the world. Many of My children have become indifferent and cold, living a life of denial of God and His Divine love. My son, I have communicated many messages to you throughout all these years since I appeared in the Amazon for the first time, but the Amazon did not want to listen to Me, for this today it suffers. How many insulting words My Divine Son and I had to hear from many of My children who have wounded terribly our Most Sacred Hearts and many of them came from those who should have their hearts full of love, kindness and filial dedication, My sons the Priests. The Church is wounded and is desolate, because many of those who celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of My Divine Son no longer have faith and their hearts are heavy and hardened, because of their doubts and their bad lives. Pray, My son, pray for the Ministers of God, that they do not lose the faith nor the light of their souls, for the devil has hurled himself fiercely at them, wanting to devour and take them to the fire of hell. Dedicate yourself more and more to prayer and to make sacrifices for the conversion and sanctification of the Clergy, because many are apostatizing from the true faith and the teachings left by My Divine Son. I love My sons the Priests and I don't want any of them to be condemned. I want to see them, one day, beside Me in Heaven. Bend your knees to the ground and pray My Rosary for all the Bishops and Priests who are wounded not only in body, but mainly in their souls, because of their unfaithfulness to God and their worldly passions. Every prayer, sacrifice and act of reparation that you offer for them will console My Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Every fast and penance done for them, will release many from the heavy chains of sin that cause them to be in the clutches of Satan. My Son Jesus breathed His Divine Spirit upon you, giving you His gifts and His graces, so that you may help His people who are, in these times, sad, without faith and dejected. New gifts will be given to you so that you may well undertake the mission to which the Lord has called you and entrusted to you. God will act at the right time and will use you more and more according to His Divine designs for the good of His Holy Church and His people, for their liberation and their spiritual renewal through His Divine action in the souls and in the hearts of many of His children who will welcome His words and His love more and more. Pray much, so that you will always be more united to the Most Holy Trinity and live in their Divine love, fulfilling the will of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, just as the Saints lived and did the will of God in this world. Remember, My son: love is the basis for holiness. The more you love, the more you will be of God. Love! Love! Love, so that you will always be united with God and God will be present in your life and in everything you do. I bless you and give you My peace: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" "Peace to your heart!
My son, I come to speak to you about the great love of God that is defiled, rejected and forgotten. Many of My children have banished God from their lives, they no longer worship Him and do not recognize Him as the Lord of their lives. The spiritual blindness is so great that many are insensitive and with hearts closed to the Lord, becoming deaf to His call. The Holy Church is going through its most painful and terrible time, being attacked, fought and being silenced. But the greatest danger does not come from outside, it comes from those who are inside her, in her midst, to reduce her to nothing, leaving many believers without Divine food, without light and hope, so that they remain weak in faith. Woe to those who allow the Holy Mother Church to be darkened and subjected to wicked laws that are against Divine ordinances and against the Lord's teachings. Woe to those who do not care for the honor and glory of God and think more of themselves, wanting to save their own lives. They are worried about their bodies, but their souls are blacker than coal. They speak of obedience, but of worldly obedience that comes from men, rather than Divine obedience that comes from God. A wise king winnows the wicked, and drives the wheel over them. (Pr. 20:26). God is showing to many the reality of their own soul before Him: those who have faith and believe and those who do not have it and are incredulous, because they have lived only by appearances. Those who do not have faith and do not live by it are without a sure direction in their lives, because it is faith that guides the soul to the safe harbor of salvation that leads to Heaven. How many empty souls, without light, without a secure foundation, foolish, that have built their house on sand, full of the vain illusions of the world and of ideological and philosophical thinking contrary to the teachings of My Divine Son, instead of having built it on the solid and sure rock of faith. "He who does not believe will be condemned", are the words that My Divine Son has said to all those who would refuse to accept His extraordinary and His holy teachings that divinize men. Whoever refuses to believe, refuses God himself and His love and cannot merit His blessing nor participate in the benefits of His graces and glory. The one who believes participates in the mystery of love, of union with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, that communicate to souls their gifts and fruits that beautify, sanctify and perfect them more and more. Be faithful and obedient to the Lord and many will be witnesses of His marvels and wonders in favor of His people, for the Lord is the God of the living and not of the dead, because everyone lives for Him. Remain in My peace and in My love. I bless you!" 26th Anniversary of the apparitions
"Peace to your heart! My son, I, your Mother, the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace, come from Heaven carrying in My arms the One who is Life and Peace, the One who is the Victor over death and all sins, the One Who is, Who was and Who is to come. May all trust in the love of My Divine Son. His love heals your souls, your hearts and your bodies. God the Father is with you and through My Son Jesus He blesses you, granting you His love and His grace through the action of the Holy Spirit. My son, tell My children not to fear the evil of your time nor death. Those who are united to the love of My Son must fear nothing. My Son Jesus is alive and risen and His Glorious Kingdom is a present reality, alive and real in the lives of all those who believe in His Words, Divine and Eternal. God never abandons you. I am the Mother of the True Way. I am the Mother of Truth. I am the Mother of the Eternal Life. This Way, this Truth and this Life I desire to give to each one of My children who trust in My Motherly intercession and who open their hearts to God on this day dedicated to Me. The Lord has freed you from slavery and sin. You do not want to live in sin anymore, far from His love, lest you fall into human hands and be prisoners of evil and heartless men inside your own homes. Intensify your prayers, fasts and reparations, pleading for the Lord's forgiveness and His Divine help and God will act, causing men led by Satan to be unmasked and dethroned, falling to the ground and being caught in their own traps. If the Ministers of God do not act soon and remain blind and deaf to the Lord's calls, the day will come when many of them will have their hands and feet tied and together with their followers will be led to cruel martyrdom. This is the time to have the strength and the faith of the martyrs who did not retreat and were not frightened before the cross, nor in the face of great dangers nor death. This is the time of the martyrs of the faith and of the love for My Son, the true Spouse of your souls, the one Who will wipe away your tears and who will give you a new garment and in His Divine Kingdom there will be no more crying, neither tears nor death, because He will make all things new. The Lord will grant a grace to all those who have prepared themselves worthily and never doubted My Motherly presence, but have welcomed and lived My messages with love. At My request, before His Throne, before the great chastisement will take place in the world, many of My devout children will be removed from this world and will be transformed in the blink of an eye and will be united with Him forever in His kingdom of love and glory. Make this time your retreat of prayer, silence, meditation, your examination of conscience sincere and profound, correcting yourselves of your sins and changing your hearts in the love of My Son. The Beast and the False Prophet already communicate and act among themselves, but one day, by the power of God, they will be destroyed and thrown into the lake of fire, where they will be tormented night and day for all eternity, according to the scriptures. All their evil deeds and all those who have followed their errors, outraging the Holy Name of the Lord, despising His Divinity, fighting against His Holy Church, will be devoured by the fire that will descend from Heaven and they will disappear forever from the face of the earth. Teach everyone to be faithful to God, to always remain united to His Divine love, to seek refuge under His wings, because only the Lord will be of help for each one of them, on the day of His great and holy wrath. God is holy, My son, and He asks for holiness and respect for His works and His Divine Majesty. The Justice of God is holy and this Justice will judge you, looking for works of love in your lives, in every deed done in this world and may it find your actions full of Divine will and of love on the day when each one is judged by Justice; only thus, Justice will be disarmed and will give way to mercy. Love! Love! Love and live of love and for love you will be judged and in His Kingdom you will be included. I bless you, as well as all humanity, together with My Divine Son, the Love of your lives: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" Feast of St. Joseph the Worker
"Peace to your heart! My son, I, the Just of the Lord, bless you and welcome you into My Most Chaste Heart. This Heart loves you, as well as all of humanity. God desires that all come close to Me and to My love, so that they may benefit from the many graces and blessings of His Divine Heart. Those who find and know My love, find the fount of grace and the living water of God and His Divine favors in their own lives. Allow yourself to be guided by Me, beloved son, allow Me to use you to reveal My love to all humanity and for the salvation of souls. I desire to help and console all of you in the hardships and trials that you are living in and are going through in this world. In the world, many of you will find tribulations on your spiritual path, but courage, do not lose heart, My Divine Son has conquered the world and united with Him, to His Heart and His love, you will also overcome and triumph over all evil. Dense darkness surrounds the Holy Church. This darkness wants to cover her completely, suffocating it, so that she does not shine nor transmit her light to souls and to the world. The Church, by the order of My Son, has been handed over to Me. She is under My protection, under My Sacred Cloak. Those who will consecrate themselves to Me, surrendering themselves to My protection will never be overcome by the darkness of Satan nor by the terrible trials that will increase more and more, because the Lord has ordered Me to be favorable and benevolent with all those who trust in the power of My intercession before His Divine Throne. I, the Terror of demons and of all the minions of Satan, extend My protective Cloak, covering all the sons and daughters of the Lord who are pleading for My protection and intercession on this day. Do not fear, children of the Lord, in the end our Three Sacred Hearts United will triumph. I bless you, My beloved son. Remain in My peace, the peace that comes from God!" "Peace My beloved children, peace!
My children, I, your Mother, come from Heaven to grant you My Motherly blessing and My Immaculate love so that your lives may be transformed by the desire to be of God and to live in His Divine Will, for the glory of His Holy Name and His Kingdom of Love. God wants to sanctify your families. May this time be dedicated to prayer, love and forgiveness within your homes, so that you discover the love and presence of God in your lives in depth. Do not depart from prayer and do not allow the voices of the world to speak louder in your hearts than those of silence and meditation. Read My Son's Words and meditate on them, so that they may produce fruits of conversion in your lives, so that they set you free from all exaggerated attachments to the world once and for all and making you spiritual men and women rather than of the flesh. Be men and women of faith. Be sons and daughters faithful to the Lord in any trial in your lives. Always thank the Lord for all the trials He sends you, as reparations for your sins and the sins of the world. Whatever you accept and endure in your lives, for My Son's sake, will be transformed by Him into graces and blessings for the conversion and salvation of sinners. The world sins and does not want to know of God. Many, inside their homes, still say they have no time for God nor for prayer. Remember, My children, hearts hardened and closed to the love of God will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Convert and understand this time of grace, in which God speaks to you through current events, to show you that it is time to decide for the Kingdom of Heaven and for holiness, before the time for conversion is over once and for all for many. Come back! come back! Come back to God! I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" "Peace to your heart!
My son, I AM Divine Mercy, but I AM also the Justice that corrects you all, loving. My Most Holy Mother is the Eternal Sweetness who loves you all, consoling and My Virginal Father Joseph is the Faithful Guardian of your families who loves you all, helping. Three Most Sacred Hearts alive, glorious and risen; Three thrones of graces, love, blessings and virtues for humanity; Three Most Chaste Hearts that honored, obeyed, loved, glorified and fulfilled the Divine Will of the Eternal Father in this world and that now shine in glory beside Him in Heaven, being the ecstasy and delight of all the Angels and Saints of Paradise. My son, accomplish all your actions and works united to the Divine Will of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and, thus, your life and your soul will shine and will be transfigured by the light and Divine grace that will envelop you completely and through you they will radiate love and blessing to souls who are trapped in sin, weaken, without faith and without life. Radiate the Divine flame of My Sacred Heart to souls. Inflame them with My love, that they may be healed and revived in the faith and hope in God. Resurrect souls for the Kingdom of Heaven, allowing Me to use you as My instrument for the glory of the Eternal Father with the grace of the Holy Spirit. God speaks to the world because he is no longer loved, but is despised and ignored by many ungrateful men and women. Console My Heart with your love and your dedication to this work so holy that saves souls. Be a faithful witness of My Divine Words, spoken with such a great love for the good and salvation of humanity. These words convert and open the most hardened hearts, they open the eyes and ears of many, that is why so many attacks and persecutions against you by those who do not do My will, but are contaminated by the works of darkness of satan, corrupted in sin, because of his evil snares and seductions. I AM is with you and I never leave you. I AM loves you and blesses you. Remain with My peace, My peace that I give you!" "Peace to your heart! My son, this is the time to follow the Lord's holy way, obeying His Divine call, never looking back again. Always look ahead to the Heart of My Son that burns with love for you and for the whole world, but it is neither loved nor adored by many. My son, great changes will come within the Church that will make the Heart of My Divine Son bleed, because of the errors that will be taught to souls, who will lose their faith and will become tepid towards the love for My Son Jesus, having no more respect for Him nor for the holy works of God. The Love and respect for the Sacred will almost disappear from the world, if the Lord does not spare his little remnant who will honor Him and serve Him by living their faith and their fidelity to the Church of My Son through crosses, sorrows and persecutions. The unity and prayer of My current prophets become necessary in these difficult and cruel times when satan, through his evil agents, makes war against the holy works of God, wanting to silence and destroy every place of My Heavenly manifestations, made by Me on earth, for the good and salvation of many of My children. Do not be silent. Say this also to your brothers and sisters. The truth must be proclaimed with strength and courage and to trust in the words and promises of the Lord, because they are always fulfilled for the liberation of His people and for the good of His devoted servants, who have always been united to His Divine Heart and have entered in His Divine thoughts to understand and accomplish His Divine Will in this world. As the waters of the oceans and seas are abundant, so will the graces and gifts of the Holy Spirit be in abundance for those who remain faithful to the Lord, to His Holy Words and to His Eternal Truths. The Holy Spirit will act strongly in the lives of those who will not betray My Son to follow the deceptions and heresies that nowadays blind many hearts and obscure many minds, because great is the number of those who have lost the life of grace, offending the Lord with a depraved, corrupted and impure lives. The devil has made his nest in the hearts of many of these, making sure that their works are fruitless and without any grace, because the Holy Spirit has been expelled from their lives, due to the many sins committed, without having one drop of repentance or conversion. May you all be faithful to the Lord so that He may always enlighten and guide you through His Divine Spirit. Do not offend nor grieve the Holy Spirit with your actions and sins. Decide for the life of grace in His love. The Lord will do much for those who are faithful to Him and are obedient to His words. They will never be disappointed nor forsaken. They will always be protected and consoled by Divine light and will know what to say and how to act for the glory of His Holy Name. What the Holy Spirit will do for His prophets, for His disciples and the faithful of His Holy Church, for the Church founded and left by My Divine Son, no human eyes have ever seen or witnessed such great gifts of His grace. It will be something unprecedented to destroy all of satan's dark works, to confuse and bring down all those who work in favor of his evil projects. God will use the simple and the smallest to destroy the powerful of this world, who have persecuted and wounded His people and there will not be left stone upon stone of their evil works. Pray! Pray, My son, by communicating all these things to your brothers and sisters you will be saving yourself and all of them, as a good servant of My Son Jesus Christ, who chose you and called you for these times, the final times of great purification and renewal of all humanity, of humanity that has become blind, deaf and mute towards God and that now suffers, due to its disobedience and infidelities to the Lord. I bless you and give you My graces so that you will always understand the desires and the sorrows of My Immaculate Heart. Remain with the peace of My Son Jesus and with My peace!" This message of the Blessed Mother has made me remember the reading of 1 Timothy 4:6-16 when, at the beginning of the apparitions, people used to say to me to be silent, not to say anything because it was all invented in my head, that thy were lies, that the Blessed Mother would never to appear to a young person like me. God and the Blessed Mother had given me this reading as an answer to all that they were saying against me. They have also reminded me of my dream when 12 men dressed in white laid their hands on me and prayed over me before all the apparitions and the messages had started. I now give you this reading because I have felt in my heart that I had to give you this reading to meditate once more and to ask for the graces of the Lord to believe all that the Blessed Mother is telling us during these times, during all these years of apparitions here in the Amazon, when She came for the first time as the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace: “Counsel to Timothy. If you will give these instructions to the brothers, you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, nourished on the words of the faith and of the sound teaching you have followed. Avoid profane and silly myths. Train yourself for devotion, for, while physical training is of limited value, devotion is valuable in every respect, since it holds a promise of life both for the present and for the future. This saying is trustworthy and deserves full acceptance. For this we toil and struggle, because we have set our hope on the living God, who is the savior of all, especially of those who believe. Command and teach these things. Let no one have contempt for your youth, but set an example for those who believe, in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity. Until I arrive, attend to the reading, exhortation, and teaching. Do not neglect the gift you have, which was conferred on you through the prophetic word with the imposition of hands of the presbyterate. Be diligent in these matters, be absorbed in them, so that your progress may be evident to everyone. Attend to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in both tasks, for by doing so you will save both yourself and those who listen to you.” (I Timothy 4:6-16) Do you promise to be faithful and do all that I will ask you on earth? The promise made to God and the imposition of the hands of the 12 men dressed in white. Dream of 1992 I promise to be faithful to all that you will ask me on earth I will never get tired of you!
Some of these messages just reflect an excerpt of the original message. The complete messages will be added as the translations are made. |