"Peace to your heart!
My son, these are times of darkness, times of great desolation. The devil uses his followers to attack the faith, My children, and to destroy the house of God. Many churches and altars are being destroyed, burned, stolen and there is not a word in defense of the honor and majesty of God being outraged, but a silence from those who want to hide their evil and obscure intentions. Those who should condemn such acts are silent and refrain from it, because even many of them are accomplices in all these outrages committed against the Lord and His Holy Church. There is no more faithfulness, obedience and zeal for the house of the Lord as it is written in his Word: “for zeal for your house consumes me” (Psalm 69: 10). “And said unto them, it is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves” (Mt 21, 13). Be very careful, My children! The Lord is watching all of this. “Has this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your eyes?” (Jer. 7:11). Wake up! Do not be deceived by satan's errors and seductions. You will take nothing of this world with you, everything will be left to be consumed and destroyed by moths and rust. “Your riches have rotted and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver have rusted, and their rust will be evidence against you, and you will eat your flesh like fire. You have laid up treasure for the last days” (James 5: 2-3). “The mercenary, who is not a shepherd to which the sheep belong, sees the approach of the wolf, leaves the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf catches them and disperses the flock. The mercenary runs away, because he is a mercenary and has no zeal for the sheep. (John 10: 12-13) Today the mercenary is inside the House of God and is silent, he does not say a word in favor of the Lord, of His glory, in defense of the Faith and of the sheep, but he only opens his mouth to utter blasphemies and errors, but one day his lying lips will be silenced, for with arrogance and contempt he dishonors the righteous. This is what the Lord says, My children: “my wrath will burn and I will kill you by the sword! (Ex 22:24). Convert! Convert! Convert! Return to God with a repentant heart and He will grant you His forgiveness and mercy. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" "Peace to your heart!
My son, today we are blessing your families and granting them great graces, blessings and Heavenly gifts that you can never imagine, because the love of God is made powerfully present in your lives today, because He wants to see you happy, free of all evil, living in His peace and His Divine love. Believe in the action of God in your lives today, and you will glorify and bless His Holy Name eternally, forever and ever. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" During the prayer of the Rosary and adoration I had a vision: I saw a man that had a motorcycle accident. When he had the accident, the Blessed Mother was there next to him and She had embraced him with Her Mantle. The blessed Mother made me understand that She was near Him at the time of the accident. "Peace to your heart!
My son, many of My children are dying in darkness and sin, because they do not know the love of My Son Jesus. Men no longer think about their ultimate destiny and have let themselves be blinded by Satan who deceives them, wanting to devour their souls as soon as possible. Speak to your brothers about the love of My Son, so that they understand the true reason for their existence for which they were created: in the image and likeness of God, capable of knowing Him, loving Him and enjoying Him eternally, being sanctified by His Divine love. Humanity, very soon, will be shaken by great events, and every evil action and the kingdom of sin will be destroyed by Divine action and justice. Nothing will remain standing! Pray, pray a lot and so you will be helping your Heavenly Mother to save many souls from the clutches of Satan, leading them along the holy path, that leads to the glory of Heaven. I bless you!" During the prayer I saw a clock, with three minutes left to complete the hour. The Blessed Mother said to me:
"Peace to your heart! My son, just as there are Three Sacred Hearts prepared by the Lord as a sign of refuge and protection for all My children, so there are three minutes left on the clock of God for humanity to be converted before the great events that will shake humanity forever. Allow My Son Jesus to find consolation and refuge in your hearts, for the many outrages and sacrileges that He receives from ungrateful sinners. Welcome My Son into your hearts and He will welcome you into His Divine Heart and offer you refuge, strength and grace so that you can face the difficult times that everyone must endure for His love. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" Then I saw the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph who, with their mantles, united as one, were guiding many priests along a path full of light to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. St. Joseph was on their right and Our Lady on the left. Shortly thereafter, this vision disappeared and I saw another scene, I saw the Heart of Jesus and under His Heart many little hearts that enter it and were protected in His love. I was by the kitchen door looking at the plants in the backyard and I saw the lemon tree that had dried up and had died, and I thought: the lemon tree has really died, it didn't survive! ... Then I heard the voice of Jesus, who said to me:
Just as you see this dried and dead lemon tree before you, so I see many dry and spiritually dead people before Me. Only My love can save them from sin and the spiritual death of their souls. Those who do not approach Me and continue to reject My love will not have eternal life, but they will die eternally. Then, they will be plucked out of this world and dried and dead as this tree will be thrown into the fire of hell, because they have not served Love, nor lived Love and did not spread Love to their fellow men; that is, they were of no use in this world. Tell this to all souls as soon as possible. Repent! Repent! Repent because will stay out: the dogs, the occultists, murderers, those who commit sexual immoralities, the assassins, the idolaters and all who love and practice lies. (Rev 22:15). I, the Lord, speak the truth and will carry out My orders! I give you My peace and My blessing! The Blessed Mother, so beautiful, so lovely and full of grace, came from Heaven to give Her message to all humanity.
"Peace to your heart! My son, the times of great trials have arrived and many are blind, deaf and dumb to the works of Heaven, because Satan has managed to keep them away from the Lord’s path, blinding them with his lies and infernal errors. What I said in Fatima and now to you, in My many apparitions, will come true and humanity will go through its greatest time of pain and terrible persecutions. Do not be afraid of trials, do not worry, but look at My Son Jesus nailed to the cross and you will find the strength and the grace to endure everything for His Divine love, without ever denying His Words and His Eternal Truths. Remember: whomever denies the Truth, does not merit to be with God in Heaven, but with the father of lies in the fires of hell. Do not deny the Truth and what you have received from My Divine Son, for whoever denies the Truth is making God a liar and He does not love lies. Many, today, fight the Truth, because they live lies and horrible errors, they are contaminated by satan's deadly poison and are his instruments in this world to accomplish what he wants: to destroy the Divine works of the Lord. Pray, pray, pray, My son and God will grant the world His grace and His forgiveness, so that many hearts closed will be opened and converted to His love. I desire the conversion of every heart; I want to save you from the great calamities that may strike you very soon. Do not be deaf to My Motherly call, for I am very concerned about the fate of your souls and your eternal salvation. Change your lives and return to the Heart of My Divine Son, repentant, and He will grant you His forgiveness. Convert now! I bless you all and give you My peace: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" "Peace My beloved children, peace!
My children, I your Mother, come from Heaven to grant you My love and My Motherly blessing, so that you may have a profound peace and be of God, living His Divine will in this world. Pray, pray to understand always evermore My presence among you. God loves you and I love you, My children, that is why I have come to console you and to encourage you on your spiritual path. Courage, faith and love! With the Rosary in your hands, you will win the most difficult trials and storms that want to bring you down and distance you from God. With My Mantle I protect you and under it you will walk safely to the Sacred Heart of My Son Jesus. Today I give you a special blessing, as well as to all the sick in your families. Have faith! Have faith! Have faith! I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!" When saying the words that we would walk safely to the Sacred Heart of Her Son Jesus, Our Lord appeared, from the waist-up, with a white robe and a red Mantle, showing us His Sacred Heart. Our Lord opened His arms as if to welcome us. In His gaze I understood that He was saying to us: Come to Me! Come to My Heart! Today, St. Joseph came with the Child Jesus in His arms, accompanied by Saint John the Baptist and Saint Gabriel the Archangel. He gave me this message:
"Peace to your heart, My beloved son! My son, I come from Heaven to grant you and the whole world the love of My chaste (virginal) Heart, the Heart that so loved Jesus and His Immaculate Mother in this world. My Heart loves you all and desires the salvation of your families. This is the time when the Holy Sacraments are being fought and blasphemed by many because of errors, sinful actions and lack of faith. All the Seven Sacraments have been blasphemed in recent years, causing a great sorrow and pain to the Heart of My Son Jesus. Many no longer believe in the Holy Baptism, but they say that all religions lead to God and are pleasing to Him. Today, those who live in a second union have been inserted into the Church and many of them have been allowed to receive the Most Sacred Body and Blood of My Divine Son. Never as today has the priesthood been so trampled upon and despised by the lack of faith and coldness of many Ministers of God who, because of the passions of the world, of power and money, have fallen so deep into the pit of sin, becoming unfaithful to their calling and their Divine mission. My Son, the Eucharistic Jesus is being denied to those who want to receive Him worthily and reverently with the right dispositions. Too many were denied the grace to be able to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, to make Confession, and many of My children have died without the Last Rights. O My son, cruel times, times when satan wants to take over the world with darkness, death and despair. Many have faltered in their faith, because they did not pray as they were asked by Heaven, nor did they consecrate themselves to our Most Sacred Hearts, because they no longer trust in the action of God. Tell everyone to approach My Most Chaste Heart that loves God so much and loves them, and they will benefit from the great blessings and graces that My Son Jesus desires to grant to all those who honor Me and cry out for My help with trust and faith. That they consecrate themselves every day to My Heart and I will come from Heaven to welcome them with great love and to draw them closer to Him, giving them strength, courage and light to win the terrible battles that they will have to face and endure for the love of My Son Jesus. Fear nothing. Witness to everyone the Words of Eternal Life of My Divine Son and your lives will be transformed by His light and His great love, who seeks after the lost sheep that has wandered away and has strayed from the path of truth. I am always by your side, at the side of all My faithful devotees who have placed themselves under the Cloak of My Fatherly protection. I bless you, My son, as well as the whole Holy Church and all humanity: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" During the apparition, when Saint Joseph spoke about the Holy Sacraments that are being fought and blasphemed, Saint John the Baptist and the Archangel Gabriel knelt and joined their hands in prayer, praying the Fatima prayer together with St. Joseph. The three of them prayed this prayer three times, offering to the Child Jesus reparation for the sins and offenses He receives from ungrateful sinners: My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love You. I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love You. I also understood the presence of St. John the Baptist because it was His feast day, and St. Gabriel because it was St. Gabriel who announced to St. Zechariah, the father of St. John the Baptist, the birth of St. John. It was St. Gabriel who told St. Zechariah that He was going to become mute because St. St. Zechariah did not believe in His words. When people do not believe in the Words of God, when people also doubt the messages of the Blessed Mother, they remain mute before the evil ones, before those who want to do evil and those who want to dominate the world. They do not have the courage to do anything and become mute as St. Zechariah became mute because He did not believe in God’s words. St. John the Baptist who had the courage to renounce sin did not pat on the head of the people who were committing the sin of adultery. By telling the truth and for defending the honor and the glory of God they cut His head off because He was denouncing sin. Then, we have to remember not to doubt the Lord’s Words and the words of His Most Holy Mother who comes to give Her messages on behalf of God, otherwise we will become mute like St. Zechariah and to have the courage to denounce sin and evil, even if it costs us a lot, even if it should cost our own lives, but we can never pat the people on the head, accepting their mistakes and errors as if they were right because they are not. First and foremost, to love God above everything, to defend the honor and the Glory of God. Only in this way we will be before the eyes of God people truly pleasing to His holy eyes. All those who live a second union, those who have helped, guided and have said: “Oh no, this is not bad, live your life” have guided the people to evil, have supported the sin of the second union, all these people when they die will be judged, having before them St. John the Baptist who was killed and beheaded because of the sin of adultery that He had denounced. Then, on that day, at the judgment of these people it will be terrible when God will judge their sinful actions, having St. John the Baptist before them, who had defended the Glory and Honor of God and, for these people who wanted to do their own sinful will to live in a second union, that day will be terrible. "Peace to your Heart!
My son, the people who use their mouths to persecute you with slanders and offenses, as well as to oppose the messages you receive are persecuting Me, the one who has bestowed this gift on you and He is in you. The sin that they commit against you will always be before them, accusing them, if they do not convert and repent of their actions. As one day I said to your mother: I am patient and I can wait, but that all men and women of the earth hasten because the time is passing and very soon they will not have My Mercy any more, but will be My justice that will have the upper hand over all of them. Receive My peace and My blessing!" "Peace to your heart!
My son, the Heart of My Son Jesus is Divine and Holy, but He is neither loved nor adored by many. The Eucharist is the Heart of the Church and, never as today, is being so outraged and despised. My Immaculate Heart suffers, My son, because Jesus is being much offended. Men have lost their respect for the Sacred and now they no longer know who God is for them, because they want to find justifications and excuses to their own acts and outrages towards the Lord, as if nothing has happened. If every sin and outrage committed by one soul against the Eucharist is not without the just punishment, which is already terrible, much more tremendous are the punishments when these sins and outrages are committed by the Ministers of God, by their Dioceses and by entire parishes. Pray, My son, pray and offer reparation to the outraged Divine Majesty, otherwise, the Lord will allow a more painful and terrible punishment to wound humanity, due to lack of faith and respect towards His real and Divine presence in the Most Holy Eucharist, His Holy Church and His Divine teachings and Divine laws that have been scorned and are no longer lived. Fast! Fast! Fast, My children! Get used to eating little, because a great famine will come to the world. Remember, My children: “man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God ...”, but, if many do not read and do not live the Words of God, let alone remember them, how can they survive and remain steadfast in faith and standing? Only those who are united to My Son will know how to endure the difficult times that will come upon the whole world. Without Jesus you can do nothing! I bless you, My son, and I bless all humanity: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" |
Some of these messages just reflect an excerpt of the original message. The complete messages will be added as the translations are made. |