"Peace, My beloved children, peace!
My children, I your Mother, I come from Heaven with My Son Jesus to bless you and to give peace to your troubled and tried hearts. My Son Jesus is peace. He is the true path that leads to Heaven. Be of God. Praise God with all your heart, and He will heal your hearts and souls. Pray the Rosary every day for the Holy Church and for the whole world. I bless your families so that all evil at this moment be banished from them all. Trust in the love of My Son Jesus and He will bless you and grant you great graces. A great storm will strike the Holy Church and many Ministers of God will lose their faith in a terrible way and will be persecuted because of their own errors and disobedience to God. Pray much, much, much, and the good will triumph over all evil. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen! Today I went to a particular church for Holy Mass. On arrival, there was a gentleman who was cleaning the hands of the faithful with alcohol. During the moment of communion, while everyone was preparing themselves to receive Jesus in their hands, this man, more than ever, began to spray alcohol on everyone’s hands without stopping for a single moment. It was then that I heard the voice of Jesus who said to me:
My son, My Body is Sacrosanct. Don’t I deserve a little respect? How My Heart suffers! See what they are doing! I am the Living Bread come down from Heaven, scorned and offended by many in these times. They don’t realize that I am God and that for every outrageous act and irreverence committed against Me, against My Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity will be accused and judged. All this is an action of satan that has led many to submit to evil and in accepting it regardless of My honor, glory and majesty. Pray and make reparation for the many who offend Me. Then, I began offering reparations to Jesus asking for forgiveness for all those who are following more the rules and the ordinances of the world and not obeying His laws and His ordinances. Cruel times! No to communion in the hands! Let us not offend the Lord! I made, at that moment, a spiritual communion; I felt the presence of Jesus in me so strongly and I praised and thanked Him for such a great love granted me. Today, at dawn, at 01:30, I heard the voice of Jesus who taught this prayer to me:
Lord, that my actions and speaking with creatures be only for your glory. May my human will disappear and your Divine Will be manifested. How good Jesus is, kind and patient towards creatures. He gives us so many proofs of His love and creatures scorn Him, because they are blinded by the devil. Many souls are more attached to the world than to God. They rely on the world rather than placing themselves in the hands of God. They seek false human and worldly happiness rather than the immense love of God that can give us the true peace and the immense joy of the spirit. I pray, O Lord, for those who do not pray and do not invoke you.
I believe, O Lord, and pray for those who do not believe and who do not want to serve you anymore, deceived by satan, by the illusions of the world and by their passions. I adore you for those who do not adore you anymore with a pure and contrite heart nor with their enlightened and clean souls. I love you for those who do not love you anymore, and deny your Divine love and your most Holy Will. May your Divine Will that sanctifies everything liberate and drive away all evil from the face of the earth, reign supreme in the Holy Church, in the whole world, in your created works, and may your immense and holy love shine for your sons and daughters. Jesus, I love you. Jesus, I adore you. Jesus, I want you to live in my heart. "My son, pray this prayer several times a day, and unite yourself to My Heart and to all the Saints of Heaven:
With God everything is peaceful, everything is holy! Sanctify yourself in My love and in My Holy Presence. Give Me your love. I bless you!" "Peace, My beloved children, peace!
My children, be of God, love God, do God's will and everything in your lives will change. The more you offer yourselves with trust into the hands of God the more His miracles will be bestowed in your lives with the graces that He will grant abundantly to you, because He loves you with an immense love. Enter into the Heart of My Divine Son, consecrating yourselves daily to Him, because His Heart is a furnace of blazing love. Be enflamed by God’s love; allow yourselves to be led by Him, being obedient to the voice of His grace and everything, My children, will change, everything will be transformed, everything will be restored in your lives and you will have peace. I love you and bless you with My Immaculate love which purifies you from all sin, making you pleasing to God. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" "Peace my beloved children, peace!
My children, I, your Immaculate Mother, come from heaven to bring you the peace, blessings and graces of heaven that frees and consoles your afflicted souls that need healing, deliverance and faith. Believe, my children, ever more, even in the face of the terrible trials that have come into the world where Satan's mistakes, lack of faith, and darkness manifest themselves strongly wanting to devour everyone. Do not lose faith, believe in the eternal truths taught by my Divine Son and take all doubt out of your hearts. I am here to welcome you into my Immaculate Heart and to give you all my motherly love. Pray the Holy Rosary daily. The Rosary is your weapon in this great spiritual battle to overcome all the attacks of the infernal spirits. Don't be afraid. I'm with you and I will always protect you from all evil. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!" "Peace, My beloved children, peace!
My children, I, your Immaculate Mother, come from Heaven to bring you peace, blessings and graces from Heaven that free and console your afflicted souls that need healing, liberation and faith. Believe always more, My children, even in facing the terrible trials that have come to the world where Satan's errors, lack of faith and darkness manifest themselves strongly, wanting to devour everyone. Do not lose faith; believe in the eternal truths taught by My Divine Son and remove all doubt from your hearts. I am here to welcome you into My Immaculate Heart and to give you all My Motherly love. Pray the Holy Rosary daily. The Rosary is your weapon in this great spiritual battle to overcome all the attacks of the infernal spirits. Do not fear. I am with you and I will always protect you from all evil. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" At the beginning: The Creed
Come Lord, come to act and pray in me today (this evening or this night) with your Divine Will. May all my actions be multiplied for eternity as reparation for the sins of the world, from Adam to the last person created on earth, for the eternal salvation of souls and to give greater joy to the Angels and Saints of Heaven, who will see reign in me, in my life and in my human will Your Divine Will. FIAT VOLUNTAS TUA. Amen! (YOUR WILL BE DONE) First decade: Come Lord, come to act and pray in me today with your Divine Will. (10 times) Queen of the Divine Will, I give you my human will: it is yours and not mine. Second decade: May all my actions be multiplied for eternity as reparation for the sins of the world. (10 times) Queen of the Divine Will, I give you my human will: it is yours and not mine. Third Decade: May everything be done in the perfect Will of God. (10 times) Queen of the Divine Will, I give you my human will: it is yours and not mine. Fourth Decade: May my mind enter your mind and think together with you, that I act united and perfectly with you. (10 time) Queen of the Divine Will, I give you my human will: it is yours and not mine. Fifth Decade: May all my speaking, thinking and acting be according to Your Holy and Divine Will, that has created all beings and the entire universe, and nothing is more powerful than it. (10 times) Queen of the Divine Will, I give you my human will: it is yours and not mine. At the end say three times: FIAT VOLUNTAS TUA! (YOUR WILL BE DONE) October 27, 2020 - Message from the Glorious St. Joseph to Edson Glauber, Manaus-AM, Brazil10/27/2020
St. Joseph’s Birthday
St. Joseph came with the Child Jesus. There were many angels around them. St. Joseph blessed each one of us and our families. Today He blessed the Holy Church in a very special way; the Holy Church that is in much need of His protection. He gave us this message: "Peace to your heart! My son, I come from Heaven with My Son Jesus to bless all humanity: humanity that has forgotten God and no longer loves Him. God calls you to conversion, but many do not want to hear Him. Many refuse to accept God’s love, allowing themselves to be blinded by Satan who keeps them away from His holy path to follow the deceptions and sins of the world. My son, tell everyone to draw near to My Most Chaste Heart as soon as possible. My Heart will be the lightning rod against God's Justice that will fall heavily against ungrateful sinners. My Heart will protect you in the most difficult times that will come to the Church and the world very soon. Disobedient men will suffer greatly because of their deafness of not listening to what God is saying to them. God does not love disobedience. God does not love sin. Change your lives because very soon the Holy Church will be cruelly wounded and great will be the desperation of the poor flock, abandoned and wounded. Pray, pray, pray much and God will have mercy on each one of you and on the whole world. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" |
Some of these messages just reflect an excerpt of the original message. The complete messages will be added as the translations are made. |