October 27, 2020 - Message from the Glorious St. Joseph to Edson Glauber, Manaus-AM, Brazil10/27/2020
St. Joseph’s Birthday
St. Joseph came with the Child Jesus. There were many angels around them. St. Joseph blessed each one of us and our families. Today He blessed the Holy Church in a very special way; the Holy Church that is in much need of His protection. He gave us this message: "Peace to your heart! My son, I come from Heaven with My Son Jesus to bless all humanity: humanity that has forgotten God and no longer loves Him. God calls you to conversion, but many do not want to hear Him. Many refuse to accept God’s love, allowing themselves to be blinded by Satan who keeps them away from His holy path to follow the deceptions and sins of the world. My son, tell everyone to draw near to My Most Chaste Heart as soon as possible. My Heart will be the lightning rod against God's Justice that will fall heavily against ungrateful sinners. My Heart will protect you in the most difficult times that will come to the Church and the world very soon. Disobedient men will suffer greatly because of their deafness of not listening to what God is saying to them. God does not love disobedience. God does not love sin. Change your lives because very soon the Holy Church will be cruelly wounded and great will be the desperation of the poor flock, abandoned and wounded. Pray, pray, pray much and God will have mercy on each one of you and on the whole world. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" Comments are closed.
Some of these messages just reflect an excerpt of the original message. The complete messages will be added as the translations are made. |