"Peace My beloved children, peace!
My children, before the cross of My Son Jesus truly surrender yourselves to Him, placing at His feet your weaknesses, your pains and your sinful tendencies, so that My Son may deliver you from all evil and sin, healing your hearts and souls. Do not let yourselves be overcome by temptations, nor be disheartened in carrying your own cross. Carry it with faith, with strength and trust, because by carrying your cross, you will be closer to the Heart of My Son following in His footsteps and you will find His love, which is true grace for those who are faithful and obedient to Him. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" Our Holy Mother gave us a scripture to meditate on: “Make no friendship with a man given to anger, nor go with a wrathful man, lest you learn his ways and entangle yourself in a snare.” (Proverbs 22: 24-25) Feast of the Holy Name of Mary
"Peace My beloved children, peace! My children, I, your Mother, invite you to live love, to be safe within the Heart of My Son Jesus, who loves you very much and who is your safe refuge and your protection. In My Son's Heart, belonging to Him, listening to the beats of His Heart, which is an appeal of love that He makes every day to each soul through Me, you will learn to love and to do the will of God. You will not be afraid of anything, neither of the cross, nor of the trials, nor of the persecutions that will come to the world. You will be united with My Son and My Son will be united with each one of you, granting you many graces and blessings that will change your lives and give you the strength to fight all evil, in the power of His Holy Name. Pray, My children, pray much, for prayer is life and strength for each of you. Those who pray will never be overcome by evil, but will emerge victorious in every battle fought. May the prayer of the Rosary be recited daily in your homes with love, and thus, you who listen to me and who welcome My appeals in your hearts, will be certain that all Heaven will be united with you and all of you will be united to Heaven and that, one day, you will be part of the glory of My Son. Today, I bless you with a special blessing, so that you will have a burning desire to belong to My Son Jesus, following in His footsteps: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" "Peace My beloved children, peace!
My children, I, your Mother, never tire of giving you My blessing, I never tire of coming from Heaven to bring you the love and peace of My Son. Allow Me to guide you by the hand and lead you to the Heart of My Son. He loves you and, at this moment, is visiting your families to seal them with His love, placing them inside His most holy wounds, so that you all may be protected against every attack of the infernal enemy. God loves you and today He is granting to each one of you great gifts and graces from Heaven, so that you can courageously endure these difficult times. Do not be discouraged. Do not lose faith. God is with you and I am at your side to help you and to guide you in everything. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" Before leaving, the Holy Mother said: "When is an apparition true? When it testifies to the truth, defending it. The Holy Spirit cannot be in favor of error, lies and sin, but it confirms and reveals My Son and His Words of eternal life to souls. Amen!" In the afternoon, Jesus spoke to me and gave me this message:
"Peace to your heart! My son, write My holy words and warn souls: They, the agents of satan, will cause many to accept a false Eucharist that does not come from Me, your God. It all starts with false human fraternity, false communion among brothers, for later to arrive to a false Eucharist invented by them. Satan is acting strongly within My Church to uproot the great treasure from among you, to trample on My love, My gifts and My graces, because the servants who do not love Me have allowed themselves to be corrupted by him, because of money, power and impurity. Whoever does not eat My Flesh and drink My Blood will not be part of the glory of My Kingdom. This wicked and loveless generation is deserving a great punishment, because of its terrible sins. Be strong. Bear witness to the truth, proclaiming My eternal words to souls, so that I may heal and restore you with My love. Only those who are faithful to the end will be the ones who will receive the eternal reward and the crown of glory. Free yourselves from all cowardice. Fear nothing. I AM loves you. I, the Almighty God, am with you. I am always united with all those who love Me and accept My Holy Words in their hearts. I bless you!" First Saturday of the Month
"Peace My beloved children, peace! My children, it is time to change your hearts in the love of My Son Jesus, it is time to choose the path that leads to Heaven. Be of the Lord, ask for forgiveness of your sins. Don't be deaf and disobedient to My voice. God calls you and desires the opening of your hearts. Learn to listen to the Lord's call, learn to be obedient to His Divine Will. His Sacred Heart is full of love and this love He desires to give you. Return, return to the Lord with a repentant heart and My Son will heal your hearts and, with them, also your bodies will be healed and you will be happy and full of peace. May the Rosary prayer never be lacking in your homes. May it be prayed with devotion, with faith and with trust, with the certainty that God hears your prayers and grants you many graces. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" First Wednesday of the Month
"Peace My beloved children, peace! My children, I your Mother, ask you: decide for God, decide for the Kingdom of Heaven. Fight for the salvation of your souls and for the salvation of your families, who are in great need of the love, blessings and the peace of God. The Lord calls you through Me to conversion, but many of you still do not welcome and live My messages with faith and love. Be of God, My children, be of My Son Jesus, deciding to follow in His footsteps, giving testimony of love and truth to the sinful world that no longer loves Him. Great events and pains will come very soon, I warn you, therefore, always pay attention to My Motherly words, living a life of faith and prayer. You have already been prepared many times by Me in the past, now, My children, give all of yourselves for the salvation of souls that are in danger of being lost forever. God calls you to bear witness to every one of His love and His Divine calling, because soon His justice will be so strong and so great that nothing in the world can stop it, when it strikes the ungrateful poor humanity that has been disobedient and rebellious to Him. I welcome you in My Immaculate Heart, I love and protect you, giving you My blessing: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" "Peace My beloved children, peace!
My children, I, your Mother, who loves you so much, tell you that without prayer there is no conversion, without holiness there is no Heaven for you. You were created free to follow and choose the path you desire: if you want to be with My Son in Heaven or if you want to be with the devil in hell. Which path do you want to choose and follow? If you do not want to follow the path of holiness you are showing that you do not want to be of God, you do not want to be happy and not even to obtain your place in Heaven. Choose the right path, My children. Choose the path that leads to God and you will not regret it. Do not be deceived, do not allow yourselves to be deceived by the devil, nothing in this world can give you true happiness, only in God is found eternal peace and joy. In My Son, you find the strength to overcome the evil of this world, for His Divine love is more powerful than all evil. Overcome evil with love, overcome the darkness of sin with His Divine Light. Before the love and the Heart of My Son all hidden and obscure things are discovered and brought to light before everyone. Nothing escapes the radiance of His Divine light, which reveals the truth, overcoming all sins, lies, every impure spirit and the spirit of death. Your victory is in God, but without Him you are nothing, but dry and lifeless dust. Return to the Lord, return to the Lord now and He will forgive you and will wipe the tears from your eyes and give you consolation, love and peace. He does not deny anything to a contrite heart who loves Him and who sincerely asks for His Divine forgiveness. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" "Peace, My beloved children, peace!
My children, listen to My appeals. Live the messages that I give you with much love. Intercede for My sons the priests. The devil wants to silence the Ministers of God so that they no longer speak the words of eternal life of My Divine Son. Intercede, pray, fasts and do penances for priests, so that they may be strong and courageous in defending the truth, the honor and the glory of God in these very difficult times. Protect priests with your love and your prayers for them, because in these days you will see how much the devil hates priests, the Eucharist and the Holy Church as never before. He will act with his hate and you will act and fight him with love and prayers. Receive My blessing and My graces. As your Mother and Queen, I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" I saw this scene from the book of Revelation and the Holy Mother told me that we are currently living this time in the Church and in the world more intensely: And the dragon was angry with the woman, and went to make war against the remnants of his seed, those who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. (Revelation 12:17) "Peace, My beloved children, peace!
My children, I, your Mother, love you immensely and I come from Heaven to call you to God. Welcome the Lord’s call in your lives now, as the time of conversion is on a thread. The world will be shaken as never before in the history of humanity and the stars will fall from the firmament and the powers of the heavens will be shaken (Mt 24:29). I warn you for your own good, My beloved children, I communicate to you My Motherly appeals for your eternal happiness in God, so that you can change the course of your lives and your hearts in His Divine love, in order to merit His grace and forgiveness. As I told you once, many are seeing nothing even with their eyes wide open, many are blind to the works of Heaven, deluded by the deceptions, passions and seductions of the world. The human depravation has reached an extreme, both moral and spiritual, and now there are not many virgin souls in the world. The majority of these souls are all ruined by satan because of sin. Pray much, because many souls are in danger of condemning themselves eternally. Many are practically on the verge of falling into the fire of hell, and hell, My children, is eternal. Do not allow evil men, followers of satan, masonic and satanists to inject their "deadly poison" in you. Do not delude yourselves with their lies, with their evil science without God, because many have banished the Lord from their hearts and no longer act for the good of souls, but to destroy and dominate them, due to power and money. Many hearts no longer belong to the Lord, but are consecrated to satan, because many have sold their souls to him, due to the illusions and the false splendors of the kingdoms of the world. Pray! Pray! Pray and the Lord will always protect you and will be at your side, granting you His blessing. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" "Peace to your heart!
My son, never as before has My Divine Son been so outraged and offended in the Sacrament of the Eucharist as it is now. My Son is the Lamb of God, the one who takes away the sin of the world. Whoever does not approach Him or receive Him with faith, with love and with a spirit of repentance and reparation will not have eternal life. Be faithful to His most holy teachings, to the Deposit of Faith, manifested for a long time by the preaching of the Apostles, through the action of the Holy Spirit. There is no other truth, there is no other faith, there is no other God, there are not several churches, but only one that leads to Salvation, and that is the Catholic Church. That My Motherly words be welcomed by each one of My children and remain well within the hearts of all of them. Pray! Pray, My son, because the time for the great events is approaching now more than ever and many are not prepared, that is why I cry and suffer, because of all My children who do not want to listen to Me. I bless you and all humanity: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" |
Some of these messages just reflect an excerpt of the original message. The complete messages will be added as the translations are made. |