"Peace to your heart!
My son, pray for the conversion of sinners, mockers and those who persecute the works of God with actions, words and in secret. God sees everything. Have they forgotten that the Lord is the Almighty? Offer everything in the hands of God and the Lord will fight for you; as for you, you will have nothing to do (Ex 14:14). When His arm acts against those who persecute you, glorify Him; bless Him and praise Him, for He knows how to bring down the mighty from their thrones and exalt the humble. Have faith and trust because those who trust in the Lord are pleasing to Him, for He always loves and blesses those He has called and who serve Him. I bless you: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" October 3, 2020 - Dream
Today, I had a dream. In it the Lord showed me the image of Our Lady Queen of the Family, all in white, as there are many images throughout Italy. Suddenly, Our Lady's hands with the doves were broken and I woke up. It was a very quick dream. Let us pray a lot for the families, who are in danger in these difficult and dark times. "Peace to your heart!
My son, you already have everything in your life, the love of My Son who always accompanies you and My Motherly blessing and gaze that always protects you. All other things are useless if you are not under this grace so great that God has granted you. Pray! pray! pray and God will give you the strength, wisdom and discernment to know how to resist these bad times which are plaguing the Holy Church and the whole world. My Divine Son's Church has been badly wounded by division and errors. She walks without strength, staggering, trying to stay upright. Her enemies, very soon, want to strike the fatal blow to destroy it completely in its foundations, taking as many souls as possible to the path of hell. Pray! pray! pray a lot, so that all evil is fought and overcome. A great scandal and persecution will take place inside the House of God and many will lose their faith. This will due to occur due to the agreements made in secret with the enemies of the faith. There is no agreement with those who fight against the truth for not to be accomplices in their works of darkness, but they must be fought so that all errors and evil are banished from the Holy Church and the souls so dear to God. I ask all My children to offer prayers and reparations so that many evils are removed as soon as possible, otherwise great sufferings will come and many will cry. I bless you My beloved son and all humanity: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" At night, I heard the voice of the Blessed Mother saying:
Those who carry heavy crosses are the strongest souls, those who have been called to a great mission. Carry yours for the sake of My Son, and they will all become soft and light, and will save a multitude of souls for the kingdom of Heaven. Never forget the Lord's promises and My Motherly words; they will give you strength in the most difficult moments of your life. I bless you! Feast of St. Michael, Saint Gabriel and St. Raphael
The Blessed Mother woke me up at 3 a.m. and spoke to me until 5:30 a.m. I heard Her voice that conveyed this message and other personal things which I cannot reveal related to Her work, the people who act in secret of whom I must be careful about and about the destiny of the world. As a loving and caring Mother, She guided me and asked me to convey Her message to the people present at the Shrine. "Peace to your heart! My son, I come from Heaven to grant you My blessing. I come from Heaven to tell the whole world that God exists and is no longer loved, adored and not even respected. The Lord receives many outrages and offenses lately, and few are those who dedicate themselves and strive to offer Him the just and due reparation. Many people follow their own will more than the Lord's will. They are not yet converted and are far from the path of salvation. Those who visit the place of My apparitions without a spirit of prayer and without the desire for conversion cannot merit the blessings nor the graces of Heaven, for they are acting as hypocrites before the Lord. They want God's blessings and help, but they make no effort to correct themselves for their mistakes and sins. Without conversion there is no salvation. Without a change of life and without a sincere repentance for your sins, without leaving behind all the wrong things and the life of sin, you cannot merit the Kingdom of Heaven. I now ask each of My children who are here, to each in particular: what have you come here to do? Did you come and enter the Shrine of the Lord as a true child of God or still as a child of the world who follows the path of perdition, which leads to the fire of hell? Did you enter the Shrine of the Lord to be truly converted, or do you still follow the counsel of the wicked, walk in the way of sinners and meet with scoffers? Remember: the wicked are like straw blown by the wind and will not survive at the judgment, nor will sinners take part of the gathering of the righteous. Lord, who will enter your Sanctuary? Who can live on your Holy Mountain? He who is upright in his conduct, who practices what is just and who speaks the truth from his heart and does not use his tongue to defame, does no harm to his fellow man and does not cast a slander against his neighbor. All the paths of the Lord are love and truth for those who keep their covenant and their testimonies. Conversion is to leave all wrong things forever for the love of God, and not to look back at the life of errors and sins left behind to follow in His steps. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. With My Son Jesus Christ, united to His love, everything will always be possible. Without Him you will be carried away by any kind of strange doctrine, because whoever does not have a heart fortified by grace will never have the strength to resist evil, and will always fall into sin and stray away from the truth, living a lie and a life of denial of God. I am calling you to God. Convert without delay. I bless you, My son, and I give you My peace!" Feast of Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael
Our Most Holy Mother came once again from Heaven, at the usual time of Her apparitions at 4 p.m. She was with the Child Jesus in Her arms and they came accompanied by Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael. She gave us another message: "Peace, My beloved children, peace! My children, I, your Mother, am tireless and I invite you to prayer and conversion. Decide for God and the Kingdom of Heaven, for only He can give you salvation and eternal life. Be obedient to the Lord's calls; be men and women who pray more and more for reparation of the sins of the world. Wake up! Change your lives; listen to My appeals because later on you might not have the same grace and opportunity that God gives you now. Take your Rosaries and pray intensely, for those who pray will know how to endure the time of terrible trials without being discouraged and without losing faith. Believe, My children, in the love of God, for His love can save the world from great evils and can transform your lives. Pray! Pray! Pray for great pains and persecutions will come very soon, and happy will be all those who have always lived in the grace of God. Change your lives and return to God. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" "Peace My beloved children, peace!
My children, this is not the time for doubts and uncertainties, but it is time for you to decide for God; to change your hearts in His love and to live your conversion, in a life of holiness and surrender to God .I have already given you many signs; now be children of prayer and faith and set an example that you belong to Me completely. Be truly Eucharistic souls to be truly My children who are united to My Immaculate Heart. The more you worship My Son in the Eucharist the more the Holy Spirit will unite with you and enlighten you by showing you the path to follow and what to do. I bless you all: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" "Peace to your heart!
My son, once again, Heaven comes to speak to you. Once again, God allows you to unite yourself to Heaven to receive love, peace, blessings and graces. No human mind can understand the Lord's benevolence and His greatness in these encounters of ours. God speaks to you through Me; God calls you and all humanity to conversion. God desires the sanctity of all His children, that they live a life of conversion and sincere repentance before the terrible day of His justice comes, which will punish every sin and every action committed against His Divine will. Nothing will escape His Divine judgment. Pray, My son, pray for those who have abandoned God and His most holy path. Pray for those who no longer want to know about Heaven but live blinded by the world, by its false joys and pleasures that do not save but lead to the fire of hell. Satan is destroying many souls with sin. Many of them are trapped in his infernal snares and have no strength to break free from his clutches. Pray and sacrifice yourself for the conversion of sinners so that many souls will repent of their sins, ask God for forgiveness and return on the right path. Souls are precious to God and to Me, Your Mother in Heaven. Save them with your prayers, with your sacrifices and penances, helping them to find the holy path of Heaven that leads to the Heart of My Son Jesus. I am by your side to grant you My love and My Maternal assistance. I love you and I give you My love so you can take it to all My children in need: In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows
"Peace to your heart, My beloved son! My son, My Heart suffers because of the infidelities and outrages acts of many of My children who have their hearts hardened by sin and offend My Divine Son terribly. God's justice will be great for sinners who do not want to be converted nor repent of their sins. These will be terrible days of weeping, pain and gnashing of teeth. Nothing compares to what will come the world. Return to God, O ungrateful humanity! Ask for forgiveness for your sins and unfaithfulness and My Son will forgive you, otherwise you will suffer due to your disobedience and rebellion. Convert! I bless you, My son. Remain in My peace!" September 14, 2020 - Prayer taught by St. Michael the Archangel to Edson Glauber, Manaus-AM, Brazil9/14/2020
The Triumph of the Holy Cross
"Peace to your heart, son of the Lord! Pray this prayer that I teach you now at the command of the Lord and His Immaculate Mother: Lord, in Your Divine Will banish false friendships, who, full of jealousy and envy, use their vicious tongues to disseminate evil, spreading satan's poison against us and our families. Deliver us from his snares, from his deceptions, and that the mouths of all our slanderers be silenced, for you are the God of our salvation and we prostrate ourselves before your Holy and Divine Presence, we recognize you and declare you as the only Lord of our lives. May your Sacred Heart be our safe asylum and may your glorious and powerful Holy Cross be always between us and these people who desire our ruin and fall, being our shield of defense that destroys all satanic actions, all slanders and all accursed words, coming from each of them. May your Holy Wounds, glorious Wounds, grant us liberation and victory over all evil. Amen!" Then read Psalm 140: I Deliver me, Lord, from the wicked; preserve me from the violent, From those who plan evil in their hearts, who stir up conflicts every day, Who sharpen their tongues like serpents, venom of asps upon their lips. II Keep me, Lord, from the clutches of the wicked; preserve me from the violent, who plot to trip me up. The arrogant have set a trap for me; villains have spread a net, laid snares for me by the wayside. I said to the Lord: You are my God; listen, Lord, to the words of my prayer, My revere Lord, my strong helper, my helmet on the day of battle, Lord, do not grant the desires of the wicked; do not let their plots succeed. Around me they raise their proud heads; may the mischief they threaten overwhelm them. May God rain burning coals upon them, cast them into the grave never more to rise. III Slanderers will not survive on earth; evil will quickly entrap the violent. For I know the Lord will secure justice for the needy, their rights for the poor. Then the just will give thanks to your name; the upright will dwell in your presence. I am always at your side to protect you and help you in the biggest trials of life. Peace to your Heart! |
Some of these messages just reflect an excerpt of the original message. The complete messages will be added as the translations are made. |