"Peace, My beloved children, peace!
My children, I, your Mother of Heaven, come to grant you My blessing and My Motherly graces. I love you, My children, and I give to you My love so that you may be strong in faith. Do not let yourselves be discouraged by these difficult times. The devil is not more powerful than God. My Divine Son is the Lord of Heaven and Earth and nothing is above His divine power because He is the One who won and has the keys of death and hell in His hands; what He opens no one closes and what He closes no one opens. Believe, My children, believe, and you will receive great graces from His Divine Heart and you will have from My Son the power to defeat all evil. With the Rosary you defeat Satan, and you expel him with all his evils from your homes and from the wounded and faithless humanity. I bless you with all My love of a Mother: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" “I will place the key to the House of David on his shoulders; when he opens no one will shut, when he shuts, no one shall open.” (Isaiah 22: 22) “To the angel of the church in Philadelphia, write this: The holy one, the true, who holds the key of David, who opens and no one shall close, who closes and no one shall open,” (Revelation 3: 7) Peace, My beloved children, peace!
My children, I come from Heaven because I desire to grant you the peace and love of My Divine Son, who never tires of fighting for your salvation and eternal happiness. My Son desires to bless you every day. He desires to grant you innumerable blessings for the health of your body and soul. Believe, My children, believe in My Son's powerful blessing. Just as He healed many in the past when He lived in this world, in the same way He can, and wants to heal you now so that you be happy and people free from all evil. Believe, and you will receive everything from His Divine Heart. I love you and I bless you: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen! Our Holy Mother came today with the Child Jesus and Saint Joseph, and She gave us the following message:
"Peace, My beloved children, peace! My children, I, your Mother, come from Heaven with My Divine Son and Saint Joseph to bless your families and take your petitions to Heaven. Have faith, My beloved children, you are not alone in these difficult times. God is with you and blesses you. Do not stray from the Lord's holy path, do not lose faith. Never allow yourselves to be discouraged by trials, desperation and fear. God is peace and He gives you His peace right now. I love you and I let a shower of graces from Heaven descend upon you and on your families; these graces will help you to be faithful to God until the end of your lives and to always do His Divine Will. Believe, believe, believe and you will see the great miracles of God in your lives, miracles that your eyes have never seen before and you will glorify the Lord every day for His great wonders. The devil wants death, but God will breathe upon you the Spirit of Life. The devil wants sufferings, but God will give you the gift of His strength and His power to fight all evil. The devil wants lack of faith, lack of prayer and lives destroyed in sin, but God will act with His grace, and will bring His gifts and His light that will renew the whole face of the earth for all those who trust in His love and who serve Him. I love you, My children, and I bless you: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" "Peace My beloved children, peace!
My children, I your Mother, come from Heaven to show you the path that leads to God. He sent Me to lead you to His Divine Heart. But who wants to open their hearts to His love? God speaks to you, but many do not want to listen to Him. God calls you to conversion through Me, but who really wants to hear His call? God calls you to live towards Heaven, but many still remain attached to the world and its deceptions. Remember, My children, true happiness is not in this world, but in the next, in Heaven. God created you to live in Heaven forever, not to live in this world forever. Learn to do the will of God in your lives and you will not be afraid of anything because God will always be with you; you will be united to His Divine Heart, and His love will give you true peace and trust, and under His protection you will always be. Nothing will affect you, not even the most difficult trials. I love you and with My Immaculate Mantle I cover you and protect you from all evil. Trust and hope. Pray the holy Rosary every day. It is your powerful weapon against the power of darkness in these times of trials. With the Rosary you will defeat Satan and all evil. I bless you: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" "Peace, My beloved children, peace!
My children, I, your Mother of Heaven, have already communicated to you many messages and given you guidance. Learn to have more faith and trust, and remove from your hearts any doubts that enter your hearts because of fear and lack of surrendering and fidelity to God. Always trust more. Have faith. Satan is a liar; he will always show you the wrong path. I, your Heavenly Mother, come by the order of God to show you the true path of conversion, holiness and peace. Be men and women of faith, of prayer, an example of trust in God and in His love, and miracles will happen because My Son is all Powerful, who loves you so much. I love you and I bless you: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" Samuel grew up, and the Lord was with him, and he let none of Samuel’s words fall to the ground. (1 Sam 3:19) Like Samuel, we must not let fall to the ground the messages that Heaven gives us in these times through the Queen of the Prophets! If doubt enters in our lives and in our hearts, it is because we are still full of ideas and things of the world and not of the Word of God. We have to fill ourselves with the Word of God to have more faith and to detach ourselves from the world with all its wrong ideas and errors. "Peace, My beloved children, peace!
My children, I am the Mother of Hope. I am the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace. I come from Heaven to bring you the graces and blessings of the Heart of My Son Jesus. He loves you and wants to grant you His forgiveness and love. Repent of your sins, doing penance and sacrifices for the opening of your hearts and of all hearts to the love of God. My Son calls you to conversion, do not be deaf to His call, do not allow your hearts to harden because of lack of faith and trust in His love. Believe, My children, believe in the love of God for each one of you, believe in the power and love of My Son who can heal and restore all things. This is the beginning of pains, the beginning of many things that I have revealed to you in the past. I asked you to pray, to convert, to be men and women of faith and prayer, but many of My children did not want to listen to Me and did not want to change their lives. Pray much, so as to not lose your faith and not to stray from the Lord's path because great trials will come to the world and will purify ungrateful humanity from its infidelities. My children, do not be overcome by the lies of Satan. Do not be deceived by men without God and without faith who only think about power, money and to conquer everything at the expense of the suffering and the death of innocent lives. Pray the Rosary to defeat the current evils that threaten you. Pray the Rosary with great faith and all evil will be defeated. I love you and I bless you with My Motherly blessing: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" "Peace, My beloved children, peace!
My children, I am the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace. I am the Mother of the Church and of all humanity. I come from Heaven to ask you to have faith, to be steadfast in the trials of life and not to stray from the path of truth indicated by My Son Jesus, because many will be those who will betray the truth to follow the lie. Many will leave My Son's path in search of a false life and a false happiness. Many will fall and lose their faith. Many families will be wiped out in such a short time because they did not trust the Lord, but they put their trust in the great ones of the earth who are nothing and who cannot save them. Pray, my children, pray many Rosaries because only the Rosary can save you from the current darkness that threatens you. Have faith and courage. Persecution will become clearer and crueler, but fight to the end for my Son's sake and do not renounce your faith. God is with you and He will act at the right time for all those who trust in Him and cry out his Holy Name. Great calamities will plague many parts of the world because of the rebellion and disobedience of men. The Holy Church has lost the brightness of grace, following the ideas and the darkness of the world. Those who are guiding her have lost the course of the ship and are taking her in the middle of a great storm. Ask for forgiveness of your sins and always be in the grace of God because those who listen to me will not despair and will not stray from the path of truth. I love you and I bless you: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" "Peace, My beloved children, peace!
My children, I come from Heaven to lead you on the path of prayer, conversion and holiness. My Son sent Me to help you in these difficult and dark times, but do not be afraid, His love will always triumph and those who listen to My appeals united to Him will triumph. The present times are dangerous because merciless men want to destroy Christian families. Fight against all evil by praying the Rosary daily, because only thus you will have the strength and light to fight Satan and his evil followers. Return to God with a sincere and repentant heart and He will forgive you. Ask for the light of the Holy Spirit and He will guide you and your families on safe paths. Receive My blessing and My Motherly love: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
"Peace, My beloved children, peace! My children, I am the Mother of God, the Mother of the Church and of all humanity. I come from Heaven to call you to conversion and holiness. Conversion is not wanting to be of God one day and the next day deny it, returning to a dirty life of sin and infidelity. Conversion is not to pray a day or two and live many other days as if you were not baptized Christians, just like animals without reason. Conversion is not to say that you are faithful to My Son and that you are His followers, but you are silent in face of errors and attacks against his Divine Majesty, against His true teachings and commandments. Conversion is not to say that you are children of the Church, but you are silent and you do not defend it when you see it outraged, ridiculed, and remain silent, allowing profaners, heretics and merciless men to insert themselves in it, teaching errors, lies and heresies to many innocent souls and victims of the wolves in sheep’s clothing. No one defends them; no one helps them; no one else cares about My Divine Son's sheep, each one thinking about himself, for his own interests, and others trying to find out how to survive in these difficult times in a selfish way and with a hardened and closed heart to the grace and love of God. All this condemns you to hell! If you do not correct yourselves of your errors and actions, you will not enter into the glory of Heaven. This is My message. This is My appeal: change your lives and convert! I bless you all: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
"Peace, my beloved children, peace! My children, I am the Mother of God, the Mother of the Church and of all humanity. I come from Heaven to call you to conversion and holiness. Conversion is not wanting to be of God one day and the next day denying it, returning to a dirty life of sin and infidelity. Conversion is not to pray a day or two and live many other days as if you were not baptized Christians, just like animals without reason. Conversion is not to say that you are faithful to my Son and that you are his followers, but you are silent in the face of errors and attacks against his Divine Majesty, against his true teachings and commandments. Conversion is not to say that you are children of the Church, but you are silent and you do not defend it when you see it outraged, ridiculed, and remain silent, allowing profaners, heretics and merciless men to insert themselves inside her, teaching errors, lies and heresies to many innocent souls and victims of the wolves in Sheep’s Clothing. No one defends them, no one helps them, no one else cares about my Divine Son's sheep, each one thinking about himself, for his own interests, and others trying to find out how to survive in these difficult times in a selfish way and with a hardened and closed heart to the grace and love of God. All this condemns you to hell! If you do not correct yourselves of your errors and actions, you will not enter into the glory of Heaven. This is My message. This is my appeal: change your lives and convert! I bless you all: in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen!" |
Some of these messages just reflect an excerpt of the original message. The complete messages will be added as the translations are made. |