About the Holy Cross Hill
In Itapiranga, near the chapel on a small hill, Our Lady asked Edson on March 19, 1995 (St. Joseph's Day), during an apparition, to place a cross there. In the message of this day the Virgin had said to him: "Here I want a cross to be placed. May the people hurry at my request!" Then raising Her arms to Heaven, She said, "The Lord sends me here to bring you His graces and His blessings." On April 23, 1995, Jesus, in a splendid apparition in the sky of Itapiranga indicating with His hand the cross of the hill, said to Maria do Carmo: |
"It is there, at the Holy Cross that all people should give thanks and to ask. I will not deny anything to anyone!"
In another apparition, again she is told that all who ask in faith before this cross would receive all graces. And on this cross, the Mother of God, in Her appearance in October 1996, told Edson that she will give a visible sign, that all will believe in Her maternal presence in Itapiranga, but for the unbelievers it will be too late for their conversion. She did not tell him the day, the month, the year, and the hour when this sign would happen, but She told him that when She finished her apparitions in Itapiranga, it would not be long before it happened. To Edson during an apparition which occurred before the cross in this place, the Mother of God said a message that surprised him:
"Here I will crush the serpent's head!"
Our Lady did not tell Edson: "I will crush ...", but rather: "Here I will crush ...", which means that Itapiranga is destined for the great final events with the definitive defeat of the infernal serpent that has taken to ruin so many souls. In Itapiranga, the enemy will be destroyed and defeated and Our Lady will shine as Queen of all the hearts and of all the families that listened and lived Her maternal appeals.
In another apparition, again she is told that all who ask in faith before this cross would receive all graces. And on this cross, the Mother of God, in Her appearance in October 1996, told Edson that she will give a visible sign, that all will believe in Her maternal presence in Itapiranga, but for the unbelievers it will be too late for their conversion. She did not tell him the day, the month, the year, and the hour when this sign would happen, but She told him that when She finished her apparitions in Itapiranga, it would not be long before it happened. To Edson during an apparition which occurred before the cross in this place, the Mother of God said a message that surprised him:
"Here I will crush the serpent's head!"
Our Lady did not tell Edson: "I will crush ...", but rather: "Here I will crush ...", which means that Itapiranga is destined for the great final events with the definitive defeat of the infernal serpent that has taken to ruin so many souls. In Itapiranga, the enemy will be destroyed and defeated and Our Lady will shine as Queen of all the hearts and of all the families that listened and lived Her maternal appeals.