At the beginning of the apparitions, the Blessed Virgin, appearing to Maria do Carmo in her residence in the city of Manaus, showed her during an apparition a plot of land owned by her husband located in Itapiranga, a city with a distance of 5 hours from Manaus, via highway. Indicating a place, the mother of God told her:
"I want you to make here a temporary straw chapel."
And she asked Edson and Maria do Carmo to attend to this request and to go to Itapiranga to pray with her children, because She would transmit messages of peace, love, prayer and conversion to all her children throughout the world. During another apparition in Itapiranga, the Blessed Virgin led Edson to the place where she wanted the chapel to be built and asked him to give three kisses on the ground in thanksgiving to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, for this grace granted. Then She added:
"Take this stick and mark with it the place where I want constructed the chapel to be built here ..."
With Her hand She pointed to Edson the location. After all this was done, the mother of God, directing Herself to all the people present, said:
"Here in this place, I want a small chapel to be built in my honor. May the people hurry this request. A request that comes directly from my Son Jesus. May all be fulfilled of everything I have said in these last days, in my Heavenly warnings, in my maternal messages. Pray the Holy Rosary. Pray, Pray, Pray. Pray for the peace of the whole world and for the conversion of sinners. Pray for the Pope, for the Bishops, for the Priests and for all the Consecrated Souls. I am the Queen of the World, the Queen of Peace and the Rosa Mystica. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. See you Soon!"
Jesus, in order to give more value and importance to the request of his Mother, deigned to appear in the place where the chapel was to be built and with His feet touched the ground of the place, asking Edson to hurry up the construction and to live deeply the messages already transmitted by Him and the Virgin. The Mother of God told Maria do Carmo that the chapel is in honor and in memory of all her rubber tapper children who were killed, mistreated and exploited by the pride and greed of the great in the past and by those who suffer today. She, the Virgin, wants to show us that She is the mother of the poor and the suffering.